Need to barrow chemicals, will pay


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Does anyone have Magnesium additives? I perfer magnesium cloride type stuff, like Tech M.

Also I really would like to get some Alk and Calcium to help out my tank.(calcium hydroxide works for me too, and reef builder type buffer is good)

I can pay cash or give you frags, and no matter how far you live I will come and get the thing.

i bought 128oz of Kent Tech M, and 128oz of Tech CB part A and part B, but it won't get here till monday or tuesday. So if you can just let me barrow some i would pay you back double.
Erm that sounds nice, but why not just buy it from a LFS? You can get tech M from Marine Fish... I bought mine there. Or if you don't mind a lil sulfur in your tank then buy some epsom salts.
how much do u dose using epsom salt? per gallon or do u just test and go from there?
test and use this chart to figure out what you need to add:

it is very expensive there. Freaking $15 for 16oz... I need over 30oz to fix my tank. Maybe I'll just use epsom salt until my shipment gets here and do a water change. Whats the negative side of sulfates?