Need to borrow an Aqua Medic Fish Trap - West Cobb Area


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Powder Springs
Anyone in North, West Cobb area have an Aqua medic Fishtrap I could borrow tomorrow?

I hate to wait a week to get one by mail and lose my fish that needs treated with meds.

Please let me know.


Sorry for the repetitive post. I changed the content of my last post but it wouldn't let me change the title.
I wish I had one to loan you , I have various traps for catching crawling critters but nothing for a fish but I had to catch a damsel some time back and I used a critter cage like ppl use for transport of crickets or a smaller lizard.
I used fishing line to attatch fishing weights to the hinged door and used a long piece of fishing line I held as the trigger, then I baited the box and waited for the fish to enter out of curiosity and let the door drop it took a few hours to swim in and other fish will try it first so if possible try and tie the food down so another fish doesn't take
Great idea Terry! Love the DIY this club comes up with for solutions!

Jane, thanks so much! Reef-addict messaged me today and said he would drop one off today (he lives .5 miles away) but he must of got tied up. I'm sure I'm covered on it but THANK YOU so much for the offer!

Appreciate ya both!