Nem Nuke


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The main part of my nem started moving last night. I got  up at 2am to take the dog out (she's been having some poo issues lately) so I turned the living room light on so I could see the nem. He was on the side of his rock close to the bigger power head.... but it was quite a ways off... So I decided not to turn the powerhead off....

7am this morning.... Nagasaki.....

I cleaned what I could and got the big leftovers out but I didn't have time to do much. Imma do as big of a water change as I can tonight and another one tomorrow. Aside from water changes and changing my filter sock, any other suggestions?
I thought about that while on my motorcycle ride in to work. Shoulda done it before I left. I need to get a brute trashcan too.....
So nem died overnight ? So strange that it happened so fast
Dball is right. The  nem walked in to the power head.... I've been safe for so long... I thought because of how my rock is... I guess I had just been lucky....

This is going to be bad... seeing as how I haven't been able to do anything really with it yet... and tonight I won't be able to do a giant water change....
Definitely do carbon. How big is your tank? Depending on your water volume, I wouldn't think it would be anything a couple water changes, and a bag/reactor full of carbon couldn't sort out.
It was a decent size nem. Luckily it wasn't at its largest. It's split 3 times in the past couple of months.

The tank is 140g. I will be doing a 30g water change at best tonight. I may be able to get up to 50g again tomorrow. The problem is water storage. I've built a decent no water change maintenance schedule over the last year so I didn't ever make the water storage volume recommendation that I know I should have for times like this.................
Dan just do a few smaller water changes.  With about 140 gallons of net water and running carbon its not that bad.  In fact I had one completely disintegrate after removing it from a rock and only did a normal water change and change out the carbon.  Save a couple pieces of the disc if you can, it may very well grow into a Nem one day.
By the time I got home yesterday it was in much better shape. I've emptied the skimmer a few times and added a really big bag of carbon in a bottle neck in the sump.. I place I  made to place a bag of carbon that pretty closely works like a reactor. I think it's completely fine.

Yesterday morning I got all of what was left of him out of the power head and threw it away. I shouldn't have done that. I bet some would have survived. Luckily I've still got a small split that is still doing well.