Neon Goby bothering clam


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I just got this 5'' sexy corsea clam yesterday and my neon goby wouldn't leave it alone. i mean it is living inside the clam and would not come out... The things is preventing the clam from opening for more than 10 seconds before it closes. i wish it would just kill the goby but it never close completely. What is there to do?
Not much you can do that I can think of other than splitting them up somehow using one of those live bearer breeding containers or something. Anything that would block the Goby would shroud the clam to either cut off water flow or light.
I don't understand what a neon goby would want with the clam--is he trying to clean it of parasites or something?
The thing is just sitting on the clam, and nip at it once or twice, then go on his marry way and come back in like 3 mins to do the exact same thing.
ouling;45819 wrote: I just got this 5'' sexy corsea clam yesterday and my neon goby wouldn't leave it alone. i mean it is living inside the clam and would not come out... The things is preventing the clam from opening for more than 10 seconds before it closes. i wish it would just kill the goby but it never close completely. What is there to do?

I think you should give him to me. That would solve the problem.:yay:
your clam may get used to it, but the better safe than sorry school says to separate them somehow. Many people have clowns that host in their clams, and the clams dont like it at first, but learn to live with it. But your new clam may be under stress, so somhow, try to catch the goby.
no more advice? I'll be glad to get rid of that goby if someone can catch the sob.