Nero Recommendations/Preset?


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Just added a Nero 3 to my 24 g AIO.

Anyone have any schedules/settings they recommend? Or any existing presets to load?

Right now i just have it on 25-75% Random flow but looking to see what other good options may be out there.

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I am about to set up a Nero 3 on my Waterbox 20. I plan on mostly random flow, plus a strong gyre period after lights out to clean off the bottom of the tank. There are some folks sharing screenshots of Nero settings in the AI Prime/Hydra Reef Group on FB, might be a good place to ask.
I am about to set up a Nero 3 on my Waterbox 20. I plan on mostly random flow, plus a strong gyre period after lights out to clean off the bottom of the tank. There are some folks sharing screenshots of Nero settings in the AI Prime/Hydra Reef Group on FB, might be a good place to ask.

Let me know if you have any luck with particular settings [mention]doctorgonzo788 [/mention]. I’ve had to dial down the % a good bit as anything over 30-35% consistently seems to move around sand + keep fish in hiding more.

This is what I have for now but keep making minor adjustments. Small part is a blast at 60% to clean the tank.


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