New 120g Build


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So I have taken the leap and purchased a few items for my reef build. I am semi-new to the forums but have been lurking around for a bit now :D. The end result of this build will be some corals but i havent decided which yet. While I used to dabble in tanks some 15+ years ago I am re-classifying myself as a newbie for sure. Below is my build and please offer any input on missing pieces from the list and also possible limitations of the tank based on the list also. I also think that my sump is undersized but not 100% sure.

<u>Currently Have:</u>
120g -48x24x24 single corner overflow
Stand ;)
Coralife 125 Skimmer
Mag12 return pump
2 Chamber 20g Sump (Bioballs, thinking of converting to socks)
Jebao WP40
10g quarantine tank

<u>Purchase list:</u>
Reefbreeders 48 LED - Overkill? should I do the 32?
Heaters 250w - two of them
Test kits (need advice here)

<u>On the Horizon:</u>
Sump with refugium - I like the eshopps setup
RODI - no room at my current house.

What am I missing? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Welcome Brent.

Stay away from the Bioballs if possible. They will collect waste and be a nitrate factory.

If you haven't purchase a pump yet, go with an oversized DC pump. You cal dial it down and life expectancy will increase while heat load will decrease. Jebao makes a nice one at a great price.

On the test kits, stay away from API. Red Sea makes a nice kit for Calcium, Alkalinity and Magnesium. Seachem is good for all the others.

As for other things you might want to look at, an Apex controller would be top of my list.
Thanks, yeah I have the mag 12 for my return, I think that will be sufficient for the return. As for the bio ball that is exactly what I was wanting to hear, current sump would take them but I think if I change over to the eshoppes with the refugium it will be for the best overall.

I'll admit being naive, what's the apex controller do?:confused2:

bkostuch;1027458 wrote:

I'll admit being naive, what's the apex controller do?


If you get the full blown apex it will control all your lights, pumps, power heads, heaters, auto top off, etc. There are tons of add on devices as well. Once you have one you will never do with out. Reef Keeper makes a good one too but Apex is hands down the best.

Thats it... I officially don't like you for showing me this.. :D now i HAVE to have this...
Once you have an apex you won't go back. I have them on both my tanks and love them.