New 120w LED's - Installed and Running


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As some of you may know, I decided to order 2x 120w ebay LED's for my 72g aquarium ("></a>). These two LED's will replace my 2x 250w Metal Halide and 4x 65w actinic setup.

I promised I'd post before and after pics as soon as I got them set up and I couldn't wait until the AM so here are a few crummy pics I took tonight with the iPhone camera. I'll definitely post better pics tomorrow with my actual camera.

Before (both MH on and all actinic on):
[IMG] alt="" />

After (both white and blue LEDs on):
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Before (Actinics only):
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After (one blue only, one white and blue):
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Like I said, I'll post better pics tomorrow but you can definitely see a drastic difference in the color and overall look of the tank - I love it. Starting to think this was a terrific purchase.

What do you all think?
Just asked because most cameras can't capture blue LED lighting very well.
Just wanted to confirm.
That's right at 14k, right?
I like the change. Are those units dimmable?

Edit: I mean can you change the intensity of the whites and/or blues?
lol - my bad. I didn't mean for my post to come off the way it sounded. I was really just asking because you know a lot more about this than I do and I was honestly asking if something doesn't look right - all good

Yeah, I think it's about 14k. And you're right.. the camera didn't really capture it very well.. but I'll use my nicer camera tomorrow and get some good pics.

JBDreefs;727567 wrote: I like the change. Are those units dimmable?

Edit: I mean can you change the intensity of the whites and/or blues?

I don't believe so. I only paid $130 per unit so I'm OK with it not being dimmable. I'll probably put the money in with my next set of lights when I get another tank.. but cheap and functional was the goal here :)
Very cool. I only ask because I will be setting up a frag tank before too long. I am considering these lights. I was just curious how much bang you got for the buck.
Amici -

the Par meter would be awesome. I'd like to see the readout, too.

I'm not sure what you mean by "I am worried about the fact they don't have both actinic spectrums" - what do you mean? The lights both have blues and whites - the one pic I posted was just to show the difference between blues only and whites/blues. I'll post better pics of just blues when they come on in 20 mins :)
Boy.. Robb wasn't kidding.. cameras don't capture the light from the LED's very well. Oh well... I assure you it looks 1000% better in person... but here goes:" alt="" />

[IMG]" alt="" />

[IMG]" alt="" />

I'll take more throughout the day as things begin to open up. Fish seem scared.. they won't come out, lol.