New 30g Biocube Tank


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My son and I setup a 30g Biocube on Oct 1, and we have joined ARC to learn more about the hobby. We would like to eventually have a reef tank w/pair of clownfish, a purple firefish and some inverts.

Our biocube has about 35lbs of liverock, 2~3" bed of live sand and about 15 hermit crabs - all from the same 2yr old established tank. The liverock has a lot of purple algae, some sponge and many rocks are covered in small white tubes that extend red feathers for filter feeding. Not sure if these are small feather dusters, worms - any ideas?

We are using live rock in the biocube refugium and it has been suggested that we also grow algae or cheato in here. The paint has been removed from the back side of the fuge to allow in light. Any thoughts on the merits of this suggestion, and where to find the algae/cheato?

We are also interested in any suggestions for beginner corals, mushrooms or other items that can get us started. We plan on going to the frag swap on Nov 1, and are learning alot from reading the posts on this site.

Tank parameters: Compact Fluorescent Lighting. Temp-77 Gravity-1.02 PH-8.2 KH-10.0 Nitrite-0.0 Nitrate-0.2 Ammonia-0.04

Thank you for any suggestions and special thanks to those that maintain this site, we have learned quite a bit.
welcome! let us know if you need anything! as dawg says, please go slow!