new 6 foot tank-4 Tunze 6101s-placement help


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Hi guys,
I just set up a 210 gallon reef ready tank. I transferred the contents of a 120 into it. Tank, sand and rock are going, just the livestock to transfer. Tomorrow for that.

I had two Tunze 6101s with the multi controller on the 120, and I bought two more 6101s. Tank is 6ft x 2ft x 29 inches tall. I am trying to figure out where to place the 6101s in this tank. I had one in the upper back left and right corners in the 120.

I was considering placing one as before, in the back upper left and right of the back glass, and one on the upper left and right side glass, basically firing towards each other the length of the tank.

I went bare bottom with the 120, but I have 1.5" of sand in this 210. I am hoping I don't have the sandstorms I had in the 120 with the Tunzes at full output. If it starts to blow around I'll lower the output of the 6101s. I'm hoping the extra 2 feet of length and 5 inches of depth with this tank will dissipate the water movement better than the 120 did.

Any placement advice is welcome. Thanks!

Sounds like you have about the only placement that would work. You could maybe try putting the other two closer to the front of the tank. I cannot really think of anywhere else you could put them without causing major sandstorms.
Barbara;200454 wrote: Dave, you crazy dude! How many fish tanks do you have now buddy?

The 120 and the frag tank are offline now, just sitting empty. The 210 will combine both of them.
Acroholic;200437 wrote: I went bare bottom with the 120, but I have 1.5" of sand in this 210. I am hoping I don't have the sandstorms I had in the 120 with the Tunzes at full output. If it starts to blow around I'll lower the output of the 6101s. I'm hoping the extra 2 feet of length and 5 inches of depth with this tank will dissipate the water movement better than the 120 did.

You'll probably still get the sandstorm. I have a 6100 and a 6200 in my 7' 240g tank, and the only thing I could do to stop the sand storms was to move to a "sand" with a larger grain- I ended up using Florida Crushed Coral. I don't like the look of it as much, but I can point the Tunzes pretty much anywhere and still be ok.
strap em to a seaswirl! I put a maximod on mine and man does that work well. I plan to have a 6200 on one for my next 180.
Well, I have the original two 6101s hooked up back upper left and right corners of the back, and no sandstorms so far at full power!:yay: I think I will hook up the new ones on the top middle of the left and right glass and have them face each other and see if my luck continues.
