New 75 gallon transition


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Moved my fish... finally! The light is a SolarXtreme T5, got it from Imagine Ocean. The live rock is not in its final postion(just got it on Saturday). I just threw is in there and will move it later. My fish include: 2 Clowns, 1 Chromis, 1 firefish, and 1 lawnmower blenny(newest edition). They seem to really like it, coming from a 26 gallon! The water is still kind of cloudy, but should clear up soon!
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Thanks! That picture looks really blurry! I'm going to add more pictures later, and I have to say, I love that light! It's very nice!
Okay! I'll tell the back ground story because I know people will ask questions.
So, I started with a 26 gallon bowfront with really crappy filtration and REALLY bad hair algae and cyanobacteria! Basically, I hated that tank! When it was clean I loved it! I begged my parents for a new tank, and they finally gave! I got the actual tank in November and it sat in our guest bedroom until January! My dad and I custom built the stand for about $150... not bad for how nice it is! Finally got the stand to our house from our farm house while I was freaking out the whole time driving home thinking something would happen to the stand. I installed the overflow kit and then started building my sump! The sump is made from a 20 gallon long with 3 baffles(I'll put pics up later of that). Made my own reef sock holder and installed the reef sock! I installed the Eheim jager heater and the mag drive 7. I haven't gotten a protein skimmer yet because I want a good one(Octopus) and I'm still saving! I rented Imagine Ocean's DI filter and filled up the tank to notice it was leaning, BAD! So, I had to drain it into a horse trough and shim the tank. Filled it back up and was almost perfect! Also, one weekend My family and I were in SC visiting my other family when my uncle(who also has a reef tank) told me he had extra sand he had never used! Fiji pink to be exact! So, we came home and I added the sand and let in cycle for about 3 weeks. I ordered my light and went and picked it up at Imagine Ocean and bought some Chaeto and other necessities! Then yesterday I went ahead and added my fish I already had! They really have enjoyed the swimming room. Later I made a run to Imagine Ocean again because of a little problem with my light, but their awesome service handled it! (: Picked up a Zoanthid colony, a lawnmower blenny, some hermits, and more live rock. So, it's just the beginning! I cant wait to get more fish! Oh, I forgot to mention that I have 2 Koralia Evolution 1050's! Love those too!
Any other questions just ask!
The tank with just the LED's on.

And the tank empty, my camera makes the stand look REALLY dark! Not sure why, but it completely matches the tank trim.:)
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Side shot of the tank.
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