New addition from nemos


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well i visited nemos again today they had a HUGE tomato clown fish biggest clownfish ive ever seen and i wanted it but a guy had already purchased it minutes before i got there :( but luckily they had another nice sized one so i scrapped the idea of getting two maroon clowns because i liked the tomato so much i may get another smaller one down the road and see if they will tolerate each other but for now i have 2 fish 1 coral beauty and the tomato clownfish. my next fish i think will be a yellow tang but that wont be for at least a month. the clownfish and coral beauty are getting along great so far. i think nemos is my favorite reef store their stock is always good and their prices are great

this is actually a cinnamon clownfish and not a tomato but i couldnt edit my post
Yea im going to go maybe next week to get a yellow tang and some snails and crabs and I was wrong this is in fact a tomato clown I verified it on reef2reef she's still a model citizen her and my coral beauty swim together I want to get a juvenile tomato clown and try to pair them eventually

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