New (again) Reefer in East-Central Alabama


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Heflin, AL
Hello ARC - I lived for many years in Huntsville, and had successful 50g and 75g reef tanks under MH and Actinic VHO lighting.
I retired to east AL a few years ago into a smaller residence, and now am beginning a setup of up a 20g nano reef tank with LED lighting to have something to watch in the den besides the re-runs on TV.
Once I get the tank hardware set up and going, I will be looking for some seed material to get the bio-cycle started... hoping someone in the Atl area can provide me with a handful (or two) of sand/rubble/etc. from their tanks to get me started, before I add any corals / livestock... in a such nano-sized tank, I want to be careful not to outrun the bacterial filtration.
... Glad I found this Alt-area group - there just doesn't seem to be much (or any at all!) reef activity in my part of east Alabama, so looking forward to following the threads / posts here!
Thx - Steve