New Anemone


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My newest addition, <span style="color: #810081;">Waratah Red Strawberry Anemone</span>
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A guy in CA was selling them.

He tells me that they split often, so hopefully I will be able to offer some to people soon
well actually just found out that it doesn't split..... it grows it's children in it's body then spits them out when they have tenticles.....

Should be kewl to watch....
Thinking back on it, arn't Waratah's cold water and intertidal? It might not breed in a normal tropical tank. You are correct though, breeding is by asexual reproduction in which minature adults develop in the gastric cavity and are released through the mouth. Again great find. Rare to find in the US at all.
Xyzpdq0121 that is a valid statement. Wartah's are a cold water anemone. The guy informs me that with each generation, they have adjusted the temps so that it would be ok for a warmer environment.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I got one of the wartah anemone's at the same time. I must have at last count 15-20 babies. I'll post again when they are big enough to move out of the tank.
I will try to take a picture of them tonight and post them this evening. The color is so vibrant and it almost seems like they multiply by the hour. The nano does stay a bit colder for some reason than my other tank so I don't know if that is what is helping or not. Either way, they seem to be very happy in the tank.