New aquarium coming to Atl at Stonecrest

I saw that and it looks pretty cool! Apparently Seaquest is known to have a lot of interactive components. I'm looking forward to checking it out. I used to visit the ATL Aquarium regularly but when I quit working downtown I lost my close (and free) parking area and haven't been in years at this point. Plus, Stonecrest isn't all that far since I live on the East side already.
Looks interesting.

The article says 25,000sf and I'm betting that's a typo. More like 250,000sf if not larger.
I don’t think that is a typo and is the typical size of these “aquariums”. They convert old steakhouses, strip clubs, and Sears into low quality attractions with a poor track record for animal care. Take a look at what they did in Portland and Idaho and search for the Covino brothers.