New build


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Ray City
Well after almost 2 years out of the hobby, I had to get back into it. It took 4 months of being deployed overseas to fund this project and I finally have it up and running. I decided on a 40 breeder for the display and a 20 long for the sump. I have a SRO 1000 internal skimmer with bubble blaster pump, mag 12 to push the return, refugium, and 2 reactors, 2 MP 10's, RKE, BRS doser pumps, 2x 250w MH (HQI) in lumen max DE 3 reflectors and fired from 2x lumatek ballasts, 2x T5's fpr color fired from a workhorse 5 ballast, finnex titanium heater, BRS 5 stage RO/DI 75 GPD unit close to 40lbs of sand and BRS reef saver rock. Of course the chemicals needed and the testkits and miscelanious items that go along with a reef tank were also purchased. I built my own stand because I am a stickler for sump areas and I prefer them spacious and clean as opposed to cluttered and messy looking. I did some searching online and I stole the design for the stand from another reefer but was unable to use his hood design so I had to fab that on my own. Here are the pics of the stand build.

I built the stand out of 2x4's
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Got the panels on.
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A little trim work.
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I build a lip/shelf that surrounds the tank and hides the black frame of the tank to give it a cleaner look.
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I laid out the tile just to see what it looks like with the tank. My wife picked out the color of the tiles for me. I think she picked the perfect color. the light blue tiles will shine with the tank lights up and running.
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The hood frame is also made out of 2x4's that I ripped in half with the table saw. I make a hood from out of white wood 2x6's but the wood was softer and weaker so I trashed it and went with 2x4's. This turned out much better.

You will also notice the placement of the ballasts in the next few pictures. I lefts 8.5 inches of space behind the tank to keep my ballasts and hide my plumbing. The wood hatches on the sides hide the ballasts and are held in place by magnets. I can pop them out easly to access the ballasts or pumbing if needed.
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I decided to make a bubble trap also for the sump. My the last 3 sumps I had when I was in the hobby didnt have one and the bubbles and "fizzies" from the bubbles were annoying as they would get everything wet over time.
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I added this computer fan I got at Radio Shack and wired it up to help vent the humidity out since I have the back of the standed closed off. I used a standard dryer vent from Home Depot as well. It turned out nice and works like a champ.
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Got the lights wired up.
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I built a box to mount my RKE and the dosing pumps and put it in the closet next to the tank. This keeps all those wires out from under the tank and puts them out of site. I think it all looks much cleaner now.
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The tank has been filled and running for about a week now. A buddy of mine gave me 10 gallons of water from his water change that I dumped into my tank to help jump start the cycle and another buddy mailed me a bag of cheeato and a 1/4 cup of sand to help seed my tank. So far everything is running great. I will post updated pics of the tank up and ruuning and I look forward to chatting with fellow reefers again.

awesome stand!
pat yourself on the back for a job well done :)
Welcome back Tom! Glad to see you starting up a new tank! You'll be glad to know that the 60 cube I got from you is still up and running strong!
Thanks guys.

Tsellers. Glad to hear that I've been curious on how you have been doing with that tank setup. PM me a few pics of it sometime. I'd love to see how it's doing.
A little update:

I have had the tank up and running for a little over a week now. I am still trying to get some of the bugs worked out. I have had some pretty large temperature swings. I have since had to add a larger fan inside the hood to help keep the temps down and a smaller fan in the sump area. The rock is starting to show signs of life like alge on it. Here are some updated pics.

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First off... Welcome Back!

Very Cool build.

What I find kinda eerie is that I've got the same assortment of tanks sitting in my basement gathering dust. I think that I may steal a few ideas, If that's OK. One difference I see is that your equipment is a heck of a lot better.
Geez have you got a chiller for this thing what's the temp like with 500+ watts over a 40 gallon.
Tha is everyone.

Tbryan: no chiller. Yes it's very hot in the hood. Since my tank is cycling, I'm working with different ways to keep the temps down. I installed a decent size fan in the hood and a smaller fan on the sump. Both kick on when the T-5's come on and off. If the temps can't be kept down with this setup, I may look into getting a chiller but so far things seem very manageable. I'm seeing temps of about 79.8 on the high side so I'm thinking that I should upgrade the fan in my sump to a larger one. That should keep the temp around 78.x
Nicely done...handsome unit, well proportioned...clean set up. Looking forward to see how you stock it