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Hi there. I have been reading the forum for a week or so. I was into SW back in the 1980's. I helped build wet-dry filters for hobbiest, under the direction of a zoologist. I had great enjoyment and success keeping fish back then. I quit the SW tank stuff about 1990. I now am getting the itch to start a nano tank. I have always missed having a tank, so with all the advances I read about, I think I will try it again.

I have read about many different nano system and they all have their pluses and minuses. What 12-24 gallon should I buy and what are the steps I shoild take to cycle the tank? Thanks in advance for your help and I look forward to "getting back into the tank!"

Welcome to the ARC. I myself would get a Nano Cube Deluxe. I like these because the whole hood comes up and has little legs that it rests on. I also like the fact that you can modify the pump if you need to. Then again I do not know about any of the other nano tanks out there.
I have a 12 gallon Nano Delux and it's nice, but my friend just got a 14 gallon oceanic biocube and I personally like that one better. I like how it had many cords to contol the lights, vs. my nano that only has one that can contol the lights, so I have to turn it on and off manually. Also like how it skims the water. I would suggest that you goto Marine & Tropical Fish, a Sponsor, and they can show you all the differences.
I'm glad that you found us Dan! :)

What fish/corals do you eventually hope to keep in it? Some may be more modifable to meet your goals, especially when it comes to lighting and flow.


Lifestudent wrote: I'm glad that you found us Dan! :)

What fish/corals do you eventually hope to keep in it? Some may be more modifable to meet your goals, especially when it comes to lighting and flow.



Bob and everyone, thanks for the welcome.

I just want to keep a easily maintained tank. Nothing exotic. A few small reef fish and hardy corals. Any suggestions on which fish and corals to start with would be appreciated. I like wrasses, so definately a few.

Thanks again to everyone. Please give advice on the brand of nano tank I should buy or the ones I should avoid. Rock, fish and coral suggestions for a new tank would be great. I would like to buy a tank in the next week or so, and get it cycling.:thumbs:
If your going to keep a wrasse then I would go with the larger Nano tank. Wrasses love to swim and most of them get pretty large for a nano tank. As far as corals go you could go with -

- Green Star Polyps (GSP)
- Xenia
- Leather Corals , Kenya Tree
- Zoanthids
- Mushrooms
- Cup Coral
- ECT.

As far as fish go, It depends on how big the tank is your going to get.

- Gobies
- Fire Fish (type of Goby)
- Damsel (mean)
- Percula Clowns or Ocelaris Clowns
- Hawkfish
- Green Chromis/Blue Chromis
- ECT.

I have an Oceanic Biocube 14 gal. and have found it very enjoyable to date. Farily easy to mod and very easy to maintain. I wanted a tank that was reasonably low maintenance and wouldn't cost a fortune to stock. Even the 14gal. set-up has been slightly more expensive than I anticipated, so I can imagine what some of the larger tanks add up to. I'm much like you in wanting to maintain some hardy corals and a couple of reef friendly fish. So far the one fish we have has brought immense enjoyment to the family as it swims in and around the live rock!!:fish: