New Coral Pictures....


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I took these today with my Canon Digital Xti. Enjoy! Tree.JPG" alt="" />
[IMG] Zoos.JPG" alt="" />
[IMG] Plate.JPG" alt="" />
[IMG]" alt="" />
[IMG]" alt="" />
[IMG]" alt="" />
[IMG]" alt="" />
[IMG] Pulsing.JPG" alt="" />
[IMG] Leather Pink.JPG" alt="" />
Awesome camera! I just got an XTi about a month ago!
dawgdude wrote: Those are amazing pics, what kinda leather is that last one. I REALLY want one like that but cant seem to find one........

It's a Pink Toadstool Leather...they are available every so often. I might frag this one once it becomes too big for the 20 GAL Nano.
Maroons15 wrote: Is that Hydnophora the 5th one down?

That's my Stylophora pistillata, or Cat's Paw Coral.</em> It's a beautiful piece, just has one spot that I can't get to grow back.
flying army,

Is this all done in a nano? If so that is what I hope mine will be like someday!! Very impressive, hope to talk with you at the ARC Frag meeting!
Mtnclimbers5 wrote: flying army,

Is this all done in a nano? If so that is what I hope mine will be like someday!! Very impressive, hope to talk with you at the ARC Frag meeting! is my 20GAL Nano with a 15+GAL Sump. I'll be at the Feb Frag meeting, hoping to meet everyone too!

All has been going well with it except for an algae issue (treated tap water, fixing with a RO/DI unit) and elevated Ph (due to Kalk water).
A few more I took last night... Button Polyps.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG] Zoos.JPG" alt="" />

[IMG] Polyps Open.JPG" alt="" />