****New Forum Sales Rules!****


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
East Cobb
We have made some changes to the Sales Forums, Dry Goods & Livestock and Non-Fish Related forums.

Registered Members are now allowed to post in these forums, minimum requirements are 25 meaningful posts and you can post! Any existing Registered members that have already meet the minimum meaningful post requirement are good to go and can start posting immediately.
*Sales forum Posts do not count toward the 25 minimum meaningful post requirement for registered members.

The rules below are posted in both Dry Goods & Livestock
and Non-Fish Related forums..

Forum Rules

In order to maintain a professional, family orientated environment for our community the following policies must be followed at all times. Failure to comply with these rules may result in a suspension or ban as decided by the Board of Directors.

You must be a registered (and completed 25 meaningful posts) or a supporting (paid) member of ARC in order to post anything for sale or trade. No commercial sales are allowed unless you are an approved Sponsor of the Atlanta Reef club. You must post a price and location for each item up for sale. All transactions are the responsibility of the two parties involved in the sale and the Board of Directors will not intervene. However, sellers must conduct themselves in an ethical matter and maybe sanctioned or banned if multiple complaints arise from transactions. Unless you know the seller you should always protect yourself by paying through PayPal via goods and services. Sales of any type of firearms or their accessories are strictly forbidden. No unnecessary comments are allowed in sales threads. No reselling or selling on the behalf of others is permitted. Bumping is allowed one time per week.

We are a family oriented community. As such, please keep it clean and professional.
If you see the Market Banner under your username you have reached the 25 post min required to start a new thread in those two forums and are good to go. Meaningful posts will be moderated and spam posts will be deleted. Abuse with repetitive spamming to reach 25 posts will likely result with the privilege being removed from that persons account and the only way to bypass this restriction is by becoming a paid supporting member.
I think this is a good idea. Might lose some activity on sale threads but hopefully will drive the club to be more well rounded with reef discussions.

So where do we see the "market banner"? Future interest and myself should see it correct?
You'll only see the banner for "Registered" users that have over 25 posts. Supporting members have access by default so there is no need to show that banner for them.
Can we update or take that out? I didn't realize the rules had changed until Adam had told me since I saw that message there on the trading/selling forums.