New fw tank

Here is a little update. The java moss in the tree turned a little brown but it's coming back out. I also have some subwassertang on the oak drift wood there are 2 of them in there one of them is going in the other tank. The plant on the left was given to me I dont know what it is and there is also some dwarf hair grass in there. Right now there is some mutt guppies in there they will be replaced with some higher end guppies. Soon to come is some neocaridina shrimp and a backdrop so I dont have to look at the wires :)20200429_181816.jpg
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Once that Java Moss takes off, you'll have the perfect environment for rearing young/baby shrimp to adults. That may not be your intent, but knowing FS Shrimp, sometimes it just ends up that way. Have fun !
Once that Java Moss takes off, you'll have the perfect environment for rearing young/baby shrimp to adults. That may not be your intent, but knowing FS Shrimp, sometimes it just ends up that way. Have fun !
That's my intent and one of the reasons for java moss. I need to post a update pic of my tank. It has grown out nice.
Here is a update there are 8 babies guppies in there soon to be moved out. The water lettuce has long roots and would be better suited for a taller tank. So far I'm very happy with my little 10g tank20200609_161757.jpg
There are 6 cherry shrimp in there. There is one on the filter
A little update. Babies babies and more babies plus a overgrown tank in need of a trim. About 20 to 25 guppies and almost 30 shrimp. Time to setup a grow out tank for the guppies. 20200703_130443.jpg