New Glow Fish Tank / water conditioner?


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Hello all, I have been away from FW for several months. My little girl wants Glowfish so I am converting her 8 gallon "nemo" tank tomorrow.

I'm seeking advise on water conditioners. When I first set up a Cichlid tank a few years ago I used a lot of different additives. If memory serves me correct, by the time I switched everything over to SW I was only using ph buffers, Prime and API salt.

Do I need anything aside from Prime to get her tank going?
rk4435;897967 wrote: Hello all, I have been away from FW for several months. My little girl wants Glowfish so I am converting her 8 gallon "nemo" tank tomorrow.

I'm seeking advise on water conditioners. When I first set up a Cichlid tank a few years ago I used a lot of different additives. If memory serves me correct, by the time I switched everything over to SW I was only using ph buffers, Prime and API salt.

Do I need anything aside from Prime to get her tank going?

Thats all I use on my f,w, unless you want to get some bacteria to get it started.
A bacteria will make it fish ready instantly , and prime should be really all that's needed or a de chlorinator of some sort and a neutral ph buffer.
Good luck with the glow fish , My Betta lives in a glow tank there cool.
For neutral pH, dechlorination (if you're using tap), use Seachem Neutral Regulator. Comes in liquid or powder. Does what Prime does, but adjusts pH too.

Stability to get the biological going. You can use Matrix in the filter for biological as well.

If you're using RO water, also add Replenish (also by Seachem - sense a theme here?) it adds back minerals and such that RO strips away.
