I've been browsing this site for a month or two and figured its about time I become more than just an observer. I got into reefing about a year ago. I started with a 34g Solana and I have since added a 75g. I'll try to post some pics later today. My main interest right now is setting up a sump for my 75g. Right now I just have two HOB filters but I just don't think they are sufficient. In addition to that I haven't yet set up an ATO so I practically need a personal assistant to keep the water level right. I just bought a JBJ ATO, Reef Octopus NWB-150, and Life Reef Overflow. Now all I need is a sump, plumbing, and return pump! I think something along the lines of a 29g would work. I feel like I am over analyzing this sump build. I have been hoping to find one that fits my needs for a decent price without having to DIY. No luck so far. Anyway looking forward to learning from this group.