New LEDs and Coral Advice


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So I got some MarsAqua LEDs got them installed and realized that I don't know anything about LEDs. I had a Metal Halide/T5 setup prior I had them about 18" off the surface of the water. Now have the LEDs about 8 inches off the surface. is that too high? to low? also what intensity should I set the fixtures to? they are 165W and I have a 75 gallon tank. also last random question is it possible for a clown fish or a damsel to eat coral? maybe that is in a certain area of the tank? here are some pics for your pleasure too

First unboxing the new MarsAqua LEDs

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I pretty happy with how this turned out. gives me a nice space to store some every day items
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This bird's nest i got a few weeks ago has started to have some issues coral looks happy but its dying from the bottom up. My suspicion is that it my female clown or blue damsel is getting at it. any advice or clues here?
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8 inches of the water is a little on the low side. Not familiar with those lights, any # I give would just be a guess. I would say the coral is a water issue rather than the fish.
I think you will be fine with the lights were they are you don't have to much coral. Leds will burn coral easy, need to start low on the settings. I never seen clowns or damsels eat coral, but if your calcium and alkalinity is off you will get die off from bottom up.
I have 3 of those led fixtures over my 140 and I run them 12 inches above the water line. At that height it gives a better spread. 10-12 in would be my suggested height for you
Thanks for the advice i keep a close i on my levels and everything is good im going to have someone else test though and see maybe my test are not accurate

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