New maxima clam- mucous?


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Picked up this Maxima Saturday and have had 0 issues with it. Yesterday I noticed some stringy mucous near it, no big deal siphoned that out of the tank.

Fed the tank last night, went to bed. Woke up today and the mucus is back. Either I've suddenly got a large vermitid snail, or there is actually one on the clam, or the clam is secreting this mucous from the foot or underside. I'm pretty certain that it is not being secreted from the exhaling siphon. Odds of it winding up in the same spot twice would be less than it being where it actually is because its being secreted by the foot of the clam or a snail.

Anybody ever see this with maximas? The clam extends its mantle, is extremely sensitive to light, not gaping, no parasites that I could see on the foot. (it's attached, no flipping it for examination now. That's it's rock and he's stickin' to it!) In other words extremely healthy with what appears to be minimal stress adapting to the changes.

I've got it RIGHT under a kessil a150 15k and a dual T5 (i forget the watt, it's like a 20" dual) until tomorrow, when I can pick up a 400w radium, pendent, and ballast.

DO NOT even consider judging my clam's colors by these photos. It's all washed out from blue LED and I will be offended on the clam's behalf if you think these are the actual colors. :)

He's about 7" long, and much heavier than I expected. Checked Alk which was good so dosed calcium instead of 2 part last night.

I need a calcium kit, everything else is good, except surprisingly my nitrite is reading .1 ppm, making water change water now.

Anyone have any idea what the mucous means?
Thanks guys.

pics didnt come out so well. Look for the difference in pics 2 and 3- thats the mucous moving with the flow. I'll get a vid if I need to.
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Edit: Video uploading.

Edit: see if I can get this video to embed.. It's not HD but I think it will do the trick" alt="" />


Edit: [IMG]"></a>
heathlindner25;916154 wrote: He's burrowing in to your rock, they secrete almost like in acid.

Wow ! !
Very cool , iv never seen one do this.
I learn something every day .

Does it come from the mantle or through the shell ?
Tbub1221;916164 wrote: Wow ! !
Very cool , iv never seen one do this.
I learn something every day .

Does it come from the mantle or through the shell ?

in all honesty I seriously doubt it's going to burrow in Josh's rock, but I believe it is releasing a little bit acid
probably just putting down some basal threads to attach to the rock until it decides if its going to burrow or move.