New member - but not new


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Tyrone, GA
Just wanted to introduce myself.

My name is Wade - really. I've been in the hobby a long while (since around 1998). I've been a contributor and editor and eventually one of the corporate owners of Advanced Aquarist (as well as and originally and I also managed

I started NCFrag in 2000 (somewhere around there) from which we held annual big frag meetings and more in the greater Carolinas area - some of you may recall those, I know we had a couple of people make the 6hr drive to Raleigh.

Most recently, I was in DC where I was a member of the (very large) local club and served as Director of Social Media and Advertising for the 2015 MACNA. Speaking of MACNA... I also won the 90g rimless Reef Savvy tank that was on raffle!

My most recent tank was a primary sps 180g reef ("></a> ) . I still have the 180g but don't really have anywhere to put it.

I just moved into the area (Tyrone, south of Atlanta) a few weeks ago and am looking forward to meetings and exploring the local fish scene.

Cheers and look forward to meeting people.
I actually just found pictures of my tank from way back in 2004 for anyone interested (it had 4x400W halides over a 6' 150g tank) -
Welcome!!!! Your timing couldn't be better. We are in the process of setting up Social Media, Committees for next year's events, etc. We would certainly welcome the input!
Whoa! !!! Impressive back up! This is the place that need people with that background!

Very welcome Sir!
first I'd like to say welcome and we at the ARC are happy that you have chosen to hop on board the local salt train, also as Jeff mentioned you must have smelt the smoke cause you ran right up to and in to the fire.
hope to see you at a few of our monthly meeting, one of which is on the 21th of this month and details are posted in the club announcements.

As stated above, we could really use people like you, with your background in the aquarium industry. :)
Welcome, Wade! That's a beautiful tank and awesome experience you have! Glad you decided to join us! I think you'll like it here, it's an awesome club with the best people!