New member. This is for Q A right?


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Hello all you reefers out there!

I live in Savannah, and as there are no local clubs I decided it was better to have distant friends than none. Off and on I have 6 years of Fresh Experience, and going on two years of salt water experience. I am rather cheap and have had much success with many DIY projects and since I have issues with paying shipping costs for an over stressed product, I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to extract phyto for culturing? I want to start a "pod" farm. Also, all my LR comes from LFS so my "critter" diversity is about spent. Trying to find a cheap and fast way to diversify my DSB and increase the worm count.

40 gallon reef

3 hermits
3 nassarius
4 turbo's
1 engineer goby (somehow came in on a LR purchase)
and several random zoo's and shrooms
I have an engineer goby that came on my live rock too, he's about 7 or 8 inches now. The first time I saw him he was under an inch.

There are lots of write ups on phyto culturing for breeding fish, that would be the route I would take. Most can be done cheaply with a 5 gallon bucket and a light bulb
I understand how simple it is, I have watched several video's on DIY systems, and how to split and culture. However, I was not sure if there is usually a certain amount in my water column that I could just take water (from a change) and using a clean bottle start from scratch, or if I must order a starter culture from somewhere like Florida? Or possibly if someone semi locally would have a split I could buy/trade for?
you will need to get a starter culture either from an online source or from some some one who has cultures going now. I'd ship you some if my breeding stuff was still up and running. Hope fully some one on the site can get you started. BZ
Thank you all for the warm welcome feeling. The original post went up last night! I was at my LFS today and they have a phyto culture they sell for 20$ a bottle (probably 6oz. or so) and they also have live Arctipods (same size bottle) so I guess due to impatience I may just splurge for it. I was reading there are a few different types of cultures available for purchase. For feeding to continuously breeding pods, are there any strands I need to stay away from, or any highly suggested? Also, finally got them to sell me about 1 LB. of heavily active sand from one of their DT's. I got that for my first tank (which I do not wish to speak of) and it had me crawling with critters. As for the meeting...Tuesday I believe (?)....I will not be able to make it. I live in Savannah, and have limited transportation, clutch went out last night. :sad: