Ok - I'm bored so here's some pics and stuff.
The custom hood has 2 vent/cooling fans and two Coralife 18watt 50/50 lights. I picked up a Penguin 100 and a Stealth 50 watt heater.
I stocked the thing with a little over 8 lbs of live rock, 10 lbs of live sand, and the NutriSeawater from the Athens Aquarium Outfitters. I added RO water to bring the SG down to 1.023 and to top off the tank. I threw a cocktail shrimp in there to kickstart my cycle. Anyway, here are some pics:
Just added the sand:
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Before arranging the rock and before I bought the new filter:
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Full shot after the water cleared a bit:
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My decomposing shrimp after two days. Gross:
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Some blue stuff that started growing. What is it? Also, what is that little stick-like thing on the left side of the rock?:
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Full view of my setup:
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Cool view in the dark:
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Anyway, that's it for now. I'll update with some more pics after I get some actual living things to put in the tank. Please leave me some comments/suggestions - they will certainly help quite a bit!