Hello all! I always wanted to get into reef tanks, but recently an opportunity arose through a friend to buy his 74 gallon bowfront setup, with the stand he built himself, so long as I hooked up the plumbing and supplied some of the parts. Overall, it was a very good deal. I still feel a bit overwhelmed by it all, as I've read a ton of literature and still feel lost! Luckily, I'm almost ready to get started, and I plan on adding about 50 pounds of dead rock, 30 pounds of live, and water this weekend.
Just curious, anyone from Augusta out there? Anyone with established tanks? Anyone who sells frags? I shop mostly at Star Aquatics (they are great).
But, here is my setup:
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Just curious, anyone from Augusta out there? Anyone with established tanks? Anyone who sells frags? I shop mostly at Star Aquatics (they are great).
But, here is my setup: