New shipment in! 6-10-09

Creation Reef & Aquatics

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Masssive shipment came in!

Bellus Angel Female ( Very pretty and REEF safe)
LG Blueface Angel
Flame Angels
Lemonpeel Angels
Potters Angels
Sunburst Anthias
Midas Blennys ( Nice size and color)
Garden Eels ( Need a deep sand bed)
Geometric Pgymy Hawks
Pearly Jawfish ( Gorgeous)
Fiji Blue Spot Puffers
Red Banded Pipefish
Atlantic Blue Tang ( 4-5")
Masuda's Hogfish- Bondianus Masudai ( Rare)
Flame Fin Tang
Unicorn Tang ( BIG)
Bluejaw Trigger ( VERY THICK and REEF SAFE)
Tiny Clown Triggers
Clown Fairy Wrasses
Lanceolatus Fairy Wrasse ( Beautiful)
Melanarus Wrasse PAIRS ( REEF SAFE and great pest removers)
Sunset Fairy Wrasse ( Stunning)
HAW. Moorsh Idol LG

NEW CURED LIVE ROCK IS OUT ( Great shape and Color)

Euro-Reef Skimmers are back in stock!

How much is the lionfish that got Steve? Its now an LE Ultra Lionfish, and the cost should triple. Any fish that would try to do him in, is a friend of mine.

How ceratin are you that the lanceolatus is actually a lanceolatus. PM me the price, please.
Barbara, there is much debate over the C. lanceolatus vs. the C. cf. lanceolatus (looks like lanceolatus). I am trying to find out where it really was identified.
Its not that I dont trust Creation, I just dont trust Steve. Hey-OOOOO.

Seriously, I am more interested in the taxonomy. Either fish is great.
He doesn't look happy in your tank.........So I'll do the right thing and take him off your hands...LOL...Can't wait to see him out of QT...

I wish Creations wasn't a hours drive for me. They've got some nice LS. I'm looking for a wrasse or 2 to round out my tank.