New Tang Coral Beauty refusing to eat, Help!!!


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Hi guys, I just bought a Scorpas Tang and a Coral beauty on Mon, I got the Dried seaweed mats for the tang, but he is not eating it, I put in flakes and he eats but a couple of them and that's it, the coral beauty to my knowledge hasn't eaten anything, he hides in a cave and onle swims in and out of it, but I've not seen him eat anything, of course I'm not there all day to watch, but I'm a little worried cause I had Tangs will nibble continuosly.............. mine doesn't, and there is lot's of hair algae which I never seen him eat nor the purple algae........

Any suggestions?
Sometimes, it'll take a few days to get a fish to eat once they're stressed and in a new surrounding. How long was it since you put him in the tank? If in a week or so they don't eat...i'd try some other forms of food...frozen mysis, live brine, emerald entree etc - maybe soaked in garlic or entice... and see if they'll try those out.
they've been in the tank two days..............

My damsels ate within the first 40 min of being in the tank only the resident damsels killed the rest.... but I guess they are little pigs, I have them by themselves.

I'll check on them later on tonight.
couldn't say, they look like they are ok, the Beauty is more fatter and looks fine, just thought I did something wrong........

Garlic Guard? Is that available in Petco?
you can use garlic extract from the grocery store. Same stuff.
wow, thanks for the info.........

what of the Coral Beauty? will he be fine with flakes?
and should I also mix them with garlic extract?
Try some frozen for the coral. Mine doesn't really like flaked food but he devours frozen food. I get the multi-pack and toss the cube in. Even the tang eats that...although I give that one nori as well.
I'd get a good frozen food and add it a little at a time. I'd also freeze/thaw a romain lettuce leaf and clip it to the side of the tank for the tang.....
I bought a Coral Beauty a couple weeks ago and it didn't eat for a week. It would just swim around like a crazy a$$. Then a few days ago it started eating flakes and yesterday it started eating frim my fingers. He's turned into a regular pig and I'm thinking of callling Jenny Craig.
Ok thanks guys for the ALL the info, I got Frozen Brine for the Coral, and Seaweed Salad, the tang is now eating both the sea weed and the brine, the fox face rabbit also eats well, the Coral is really fat, but I have only seen him take two bites of brine, but he seems more concerned about showing his presence when I'm around, popping out and looking at me then running back into his cave and back out over and over again.

Anyway, I'm not that worried now, they seem fine.

My blenny died almost immediately after I took him out of his bag, I think they sold me a sick fish cause first he was playing dead.........I was acclimatizing him to my tank water (him and the Rabbit) since Petco has VERY LOW salinity in their tanks, but he was barely moving and 80% of the water in the buckets came from the store, any way he died, that kind of pissed me off a little........
jefft;78655 wrote: I bought a Coral Beauty a couple weeks ago and it didn't eat for a week. It would just swim around like a crazy a$$. Then a few days ago it started eating flakes and yesterday it started eating frim my fingers. He's turned into a regular pig and I'm thinking of callling Jenny Craig.

I thought he was awfully active when I saw him Jeff...Pretty fish