new tank -water question


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OK starting a FOWLR 75 gallon. Need to fill it up and on major budget. What type of water filter do I need to look at to get going? Also, any tips that will make my start up easier?

I dont necessarily recommend it, but many people fill fowlr tanks with dechlorinated tap. I would not do it, but it happens. Seems to happens in restaurants, bt I would definatly say that the LR is not really reef safe afterwards.

I would use RO water, commonly available at grocery stores.

And as Ace says, a cheap RO DI will be an investment that you will not soon regret. It may actually save you money in a short amount of time.
If, say, a tank was filled with dechlorinated tap, would it be reef safe eventually after enough partial changes with RO?

My 75g tank (which fits this description) is FOWLR but I've not eliminated the possibility of going reef down the road. My water is well water, run through a whole-house filter system, which I dechlorinate before use even though my water test from when I had the well drilled didn't show anything other than normal minerals when I had it tested... a touch high on iron, IIRC.