New to ARC, but heres my FW Tanks!


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I only have FW tanks for now, but here they are!
(p.s. the picture quality is terrible! only took some snap shots, ill get some better pics with dslr soon!)

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75 gal planted, all live bearers besides a hand full of cardinal tetras. Its VERY trimmed back to what it usually is, i am about to do some major tank maintenance/re-decorating in the next few days.

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29 gal grow out SA cichlid tank. I have 2 jack dempseys (male/female hoping to breed later down the road) and a jaguar. Male JD has some GREAT color, but unfortunately he (and the jag) was camera shy, the female wasnt though! haha

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55 gal Red Devil tank. This was my first fish and the one that got me hooked to the hobby. Such a cool fish!

hope ya like!:thumbs:
Nice tanks / fish! That devil is sweet! :)

You may want to remove the bamboo, it's non-aquatic and will rot submerged.
Thanks! and yea im regretting putting it in there, thought it'd be cool twisted around the filter. doh! haha

(p.s. SORRY FOR THE HUGE PICS! They are alot easier to view if you just click them and go to imageshack. Im used to forums with an edit button, but im not seeing on on here. If a mod wants to delete this i will post a new one up with better sized pics!)