New - To Forum / Hobby


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I am Erik, I live up in Woodstock, GA I just got into this hobby like 45 days ago and already have the following:

150g Saltwater Tank / Coral Display Tank
29g JBJ Nano Cube / Girlfriend (Trial Tank)
13g Fuval Nano Saltwater tank (Sea Horse Tank)
10g Marineland Fresh water tank (GLOfish)

I see some changes happened lately with the President Stepping down and some forums and what not. But Anyways figured I would drop a note and say I am looking forward to meeting some new people and sharing information.


Erik Anderson
Welcome Erik! That's a nice collection of tanks you have there. What kind of seahorses are you keeping?
HOLY COW - jump in the deep end! Great job.

Post some pics here on the forum and we would love to see you at our next meeting (isn't scheduled yet - we'll put up a notice here on the forum and Facebook page).
Yea, hell of a way to get started Erik. I jumped in large too, a 210 in-wall for my 1st tank. Go big or go home :D

Welcome to the club and I look forward to meeting you at the next meeting too.
Welcome to ARC! Ditto on the pictures of your tanks, would love to watch the progress. Hope to meet you at a meeting soon. You sound like me, I was in freshwater before but last summer went from zero tanks to now, 4 fresh, 72 gallon reef display tank, 32 Biocube reef tank, 60 gallon reef frag, plus some small quarantine/hospital tanks. Joining ARC was a great move for me, I'm sure it will be for you too.
Welcome. It took me almost a year to upgrade to a 150. You are moving fast! Lol. I'm in Smyrna/Marietta if you ever want to trade coral or anything let me know.
Now don't be bashful`......... Let's see some pics! Welcome to a great hobby!