New to me NC24


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Just got my preowned Nano Cube together. The tank was cycled and raring to go. I made the mistake of stopping by Cap Bay on my way back to Dalton. I probably should have waited to get some livestock but I figured that I saved all the water so everything should be fine. I got a mated pair of b/w clown fish a bubble tipped anemone and a cuc. The BTA seems to be hosting the clown fish which is good. But the BTA is actually moved itself to the underside of a piece of LR overhang. Is this normal?

I was lucky CGill already had 2 Cold Cathodes moonlights in it.

I'll Get some more pic's when the lights come on in the morning. i've been cleaning and messing with it for a few hours I'm sure the clowns are wishing I was gone.
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Well here are my guys during the day.

How much am I suppose to feed this BTA?

oh yeah can someone help me id the clowns. At Cap bay they were labeled as black percs. but then one of the guys there said something about saddleback but so i'm not sure.

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what kind of lights do you have with the NC? If you have a lot of light you dont really need to feed your anemone much, what ever food is dropped in there will either float to the anemone or the clowns will also feed it a lil bit. You could throw some food to the anemone once a week or so, or even once a day; just remember the more you feed it the faster it will grow. Generally I feed mine 1 formula one cube once a week or every other week, but I also have a halide on my anemone tank. A good clue that your anemone is hungry is when you see the tips start to form bulbs.
its the stock lights that come with the deluxe. so its the power compacts. I was hesitant about getting the BTA since i only had power compact but the guys at Cap Bay said it should be fine just to feed it. i got some frozen krill today i read somewhere to feed it that and i got some frozen mysis shrimp. Would that be good to feed it or is there something alot better?

thats ok to feed, you might want to look into gettting some formula one cubes too, just to vary the diet (tho not necessary). With the stock lights on, I'ld prolly spot feed it the krill once or twice a week and see how its doing. It'll get food too when you feed the clowns. You should be set, any other questions feel free to ask.
Well I was looking around the tank and this actually survived the move from Smyrna to Dalton But i don't know what it is. its yellow on the back wall in the center of the pic. This is about as good as I can get with this old camera.

Is this aptasia?

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Those are a coral called yellow colony polyps. They migrated off a nearby rock onto the back wall. I told ya they'd survive the move! :) They are hardy little guys. You can spot feed them mysis and they will multiply fairly quickly.
Everythig seems to be going good with the tank i might be getting a saphire skimmer for it soon. i don't think the bioload is to high and i don't need to worry about it just yet.
