New to the Area


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Hello ARC community!

I just wanted to introduce myself. I've been into the marine hobby since grade school, (FO systems), but I've recently got into keeping coral. I moved to Atlanta for graduate school, (Ga Tech) over the summer. I'm glad to be in an area with an active (and large) reef club. I'm not sure I can contribute much to the knowledge base, but I'm excited to have the opportunity!

Current Tank Info:
28 Nanocube HQI with a few LPS, SPS and entirely too many green star polyps. I really need to trim them! Most of the LPS and SPS are actually recovering from a centrotype angel that I took a chance on and turned out to be non-reef safe. In 5 days s/he totally changed my tank. 1 Blue Spotted Jawfish, 1 Purple Firefish and 2 Fire (Blood) Shrimp reside in this tank.

72gal bowfront with 20gal long fuge/sump that's collecting dust in my living room. I would very much like to set this tank up, but for now it's a glass and wood decoration (errr art).
Welcome! My daughter goes to Tech :) Always nice to welcome another Yellow Jacket!

Welcome! What are you studying at tech? I'm about to head there my self!
Welcome! Hope you can make it to the meeting Tuesday. We have Tonya Shearer speaking from GA Tech
Mockery;579942 wrote: Welcome! What are you studying at tech? I'm about to head there my self!

Chem Engineering
Can't say enough good things about Ga Tech thus far. It's (obviously) a great school!
Kemmer;580414 wrote: Chem Engineering
Can't say enough good things about Ga Tech thus far. It's (obviously) a great school!

Welcome to the club!

Tech Alumn, class of '99
john wright;589042 wrote: my post just disaperd

Sorry- I should have said something. It wasn't on-topic (new person to the Atlanta area), I moved it to it's own thread, so that it would get more attention.