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Hello Fellow Reef club members.
I started my JBJ Nano Cube 28 LED about 4 months ago and it is coming along well. I am now looking to purchase a larger tank(imagine that) to place in my basement. Is 90 to 100 gallons an optimum size? I know that more water means easier to keep stable. I have my eye on a fellow members tank that is for sale and it is about that size. I am just looking for some input. Any comments will be helpfull.
thanks for the welcome and the advice. I hope
i can find enough room for a tank that size.....
Welcome Bill! Join the madness!! Hair algae is generally a direct result of poor water quality, overfeeding, or to long a photo period. Have you water tested and watch for phosphates. Make sure you don't overfeed and possibly cut down the photo period. Make sure to do regular water changes...especially on a tank that size.
wbeacham;706003 wrote: off subject but I am having a hair algae issue. Any ideas on controlling it?

1) i would make sure that the water your using has 0 TDS

2) Do 20% WC every 4-5 days

3) Clean crew, I would put an astrea and small blue leg hermit per gallon & try to find a really small turbo snail

4) Get a small tang from the bristle tooth family (kole, tomini, ect.), yes, call the tang police, I have kept a tomini in a 30 for over 2 years with no problem, I also have a 125 that he will move into when he gets too big.

5) Cut back your photo period (lights should be on for ~7 hours with no moonlights)

6) run chemi-pure elite and purigen

7) Listen to porpoiseaquatics regarding feeding. I would prob cut out any phyto dosing or anything that you are putting in for "coral food" bc they are essentially organics in a bottle. Feed pellets, they are much cleaner than flakes and frozen food

8) Be patient and persistent, its not going to disappear over night
thanks for the info.
i am going to do the chemi pure and and purgien. I have space in the filter box for them.
i feed pe mysis shrimp but strain off all of the stuff except the shrimp. I will try pellets. Only have 2 ocillaris and 2 banghii cardinals right now. I also have probably 24 each hermits and snails.
red and blue leg hermits and turbo and other snails. Going to LFS to get the stuff for the filter box today.