New Tunze what magnet holder


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I am going to be ordering two Tunze 6080's tommorow. I need to know if the Magnet Holder will hold it in place as my glass is fairly thick. anyone with any experience about the tunze pumps and the magnet holders on thick glass would be appreciated.
For think glass try Tunze Magnet 6200.50

Comments from another website:
Magnetic holder for all Turbelle pumps and Comline. The magnetic holder permits uncomplicated mounting of componanets at any position on the aquarium pane; encapsulated construction; requires only seconds for attachment. For all Turbelle pumps up to 65w and 3/4" glass thickness.

Hope this helps.
Thanks, i thought that was for the 6200 version but that would work. I am thinking of doing two Tunze 6080's with magnets. I would put one on either end of the aquarium. Is it a bad idea to do this as opposed to the controllable units? I also was looking into the Vortech pump because it seems much more asthetically pleasing. Will the 6080's dominate the visual appearance of my 6' tank?
Patrick, I think two 6080's one either side of each tank would be fine. Obviously having controllable ones would be better but theres a cost premium for it. Is it a 210Gallon or smaller?

I am planning on having 4x6100's controllable + 3x6045's nanostreams in my 8foot just so you can the idea that flow is very important in a reef aquarium.

I hope this helps.
It is a 215 gallon....I have 4 MJ1200s on a Red sea wavemaker now and a 1200gph return pump to 4 return heads..... Is tunze still worth the money to go with an uncontrollable unit or at that point is it smarter to just get a cpl Seios or Koralia??? I was also interested in the Vortech because of how sleek they are.....Ive been set on getting the Tunze for some time now but the more i research it the more confused i get with the multi controllers vs the 6080's etc....I originally suspected i'd rather have the highest output of flow anyways and that my red sea wm would help assist in the variability of the Tunzes output ....any thoughts????
While at Macna XIX i saw a new style of pump that will be hitting the market shortly. Its from RIO and I'd say it was probably in the top 3 new devices at the show. Retailing around $300 and it can with its on controller, sleek and bidirectional. I think they were saying approx 3000Gallons each way.

It might be worth your while waiting a few more week to see if you like it.

I think i have the brochure on it if you'd like a scanned copy.
That would be great... I think im gonna go with the two 6080's or a controllable tunze kit ....if i can.... im just trying to do as much research as i can before i do it.....can the tunze's be mounted on the back glass and pointed at an angle towards the front glass so it isnt so hard on the eyes like it seems to be when mounted on the sides???? If this is possible would it significantly cut their efficiency compared to on either side?
you can mount the tunzes and point them anywhere. It won't affect their efficiency.

fwiw, I used the non-tunze magnets and they work great. only $30 each. btw, I have 3/4" glass.
I have a Tunze, the small one, but was taken aback by just how strong the magnets are. I would think what ever magnet is stocked on it would surfice as the size of the magnet grows with the pump exponentially.