New users: Please read! Post count requirement Q and A


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The purpose of this post is to inform new users of the Atlant Reef Club forums about the club's posting requirements before certain actions can be performed. Its purpose is not to debate these rules; rather to facilitate a better understanding of what is required and why the Board of Directors chose to institute these policies.

The requirements:

Users are required to have a post cound of 3 or more before sending or receiving Private Messages (PMs).

Users are required to have a post count of 10 or more before posting a response in a thread in the classified section.

Users are required to have a post count of 30 or more before starting a thread in the classified section.

OK... but, why?

The forums have had problems with a couple of things in the past. The first is spam. We have had "posts" pitching everything from Viagra to pornography to free iPads.

The second is people signing up for the club's forum for the sole purpose of selling their items, turning the classifieds into a "Craigslist" of sorts. There is already a Craigslist for that; the club's forum is a place for our members and users to share information about the hobby. The classifieds are provided for members and users to buy equipment, or sell their own personal equipment that is no longer needed.

Sellers who sign up, sell, and leave are not contributing to the ARC community, and typically don't read the rules (therefore taking up a lot of Moderators' time).

The Board of Directors wishes for any reef hobbyist to join us here and be a part of the sharing of knowledge that most people find invaluable.

If a user should choose to join the ARC as a member (meaning a paid member), in addition to the other benefits such as sponsor discounts, raffles and social functions, these restrictions will not be in place. Since nobody is going to pay to become a member to place an ad, members have no post count restrictions. Members may also have an avatar by their screen name and a signature line that appears in their posts.

What is "post padding"?

This is a term used for the actions of new users who post meaningless posts in order to raise their post count quickly. It is a way to attempt to circumvent the rules. Posts such as "nice tank", "great job!" or "looks good" are examples. Moderators have to use their judgement as to what is post padding and what isn't. If a Moderator decides that post padding is taking place, the post(s) will be deleted, which will reduce that user's post count, and could result in suspension of the user's account and posting priveledges if it continues.

Also, please note that most any way to "get around" the requirements are against the rules. For example, it is not allowed to sell something in the ARC classifieds for another person who does not have the requirements to sell it themselves.

Why isn't my post count going up?

Some forums (such as The Lounge) do not add to your statistics when you post in them. I will edit this post to include a list of the forums which don't add to your post count within the next couple of days, as soon as the Administrator gives me an accurate list of them.

Also, if you've had posts deleted (due to padding, duplicate threads et cetera) your post count will revert to what it was prior to the post in question.

We (the Support Staff as well as the Board of Directors) want new users to feel welcome. We would love to know about you, your experience in the hobby, and your tank (or plans for a tank). Please feel free to post about any of this, introduce yourself to the club and then take advantage of what we have to offer!

Thank you,
ARC Staff
miklaur;593851 wrote: Makes it tough to buy</em> things in the classified section though...

A post count of 3</em> will allow you to send a PM to the potential seller. If that makes it tough...:confused2:
Amici;593880 wrote: Might be time to join up then so you can enjoy all the benefits. Members have no limitation or caps that non-members do.
Ahh. Didn't realize that. Just might have to do that! Thanks.
The club looks great. Sort of irritating for someone cruising to buy something from your members and potentially become an active member.

We're doing our best to combat spam and people just looking to use the site as a craigslist. There's a lot of grey area, but requiring a certain number of posts for certain things seems to be an accepted way to handling the issue on a lot of forums, so we've adopted the same approach.

filterpartner;601668 wrote: I would suggest simply putting the rules for replying or posting on the registery required notice.

Good idea. I'll see if we can do something about that.
n8life;604045 wrote:
I wish I had a better strategy.

The best strategy is to become an active, participating member of our forums. You will see that the post requirement would be easily met that way.:thumbs:

Welcome to ARC and Happy Reefing!
n8life;604045 wrote: I can understand the need to avoid the viagra sellers, etc. Nonetheless, it is making it tough to do business with memebrs who have items for sale. Sometimes the person who has something we might want to buy isn't the one who started the thread. Guy A says he's looking to buy a such adn such, guy B says I've got something close you may be interested in. Guy A isn't interested in it but I am I can't post a reply in the original thread and I can't PM.

I wish I had a better strategy.

I understand your point of view; however, the club is just that - a club, and our primary interest is supporting the same ideas, functions, and knowledge around reefkeeping. The club wasn't created to be another Craigslist - that already exists. We want to encourage active participation.

Some people choose not to become a member of the club (and thus have immediate access to post wherever), and that's fine, but understand that it's difficult for the club to justify what amounts to paying for someone else's ad, so we have requirements to require at least some contribution into the club before using it for personal gain. Make sense?
FutureMB;618483 wrote: We are very new to this. My son(9 years old) is a member long with me. He received an 8 gal. nano from his uncle for Christmas. We have finally set it up! It's so exciting!
Very cool! The next generation of reefers! Any pictures yall care to share?
reading and just posting not trying to raise hit counts just trying to get info only have 2 days off a week but I will just read and not post hope this will make you happier
Well, this whole post count thing just bit me. Apparently there's been some changes... I'm now returning to the hobby, guess what I signed in to do? Sell some of my old stuff from years ago that could really benefit someone new folks getting into the hobby locally. Then I can get new stuff for me outta some of that money... I could pay my dues with it too! :D

I was a fairly active member w/ARC although no longer a supporting member due to my leave of absence from the hobby (">a little over 5 years ago</a>). I'm guessing there's been forum changes (upgrades?). All of my other old posts are gone. I know I've been a member of the forums for at least 8 years or more. I've been in some of the best flame wars from way back when (being flamed). My build threads are gone, one of which matched my biggest system (a 125gal) which I sold on here, that thread is still [IMG]">here</a>! I don't get it.

I generally kept quiet and to myself, I didn't have a huge post count, maybe a couple hundred. I set-up and coordinated things like ARC club-group sand buys, some of you real oldbies may remember, two pallets worth of southdown in my pickup and trailer at one time, heh. Heck I remember posting back and forth with JennM before she opened her store. We visited the first week it was open too, glad to see she's doing well it seems!

Anyhow, I'm done with my mini-rant. I'd love it if someone could fix this or try to figure out how I lost most of my post count and such. :sad: I kinda wish I could change my name too, I was mucho younger back then and it just doesn't fit anymore, but that would probably make matter worse. :dead1:
reefboi;630241 wrote: :sad: I kinda wish I could change my name too, I was mucho younger back then and it just doesn't fit anymore, but that would probably make matter worse. :dead1:

You can send a PM to haninja and he can change your screen name to something new.
And if you are a former member, your post count should still be out there somewhere. Did you do a user search to see if your old screenname showed up at all?
This is my original screen name, so the account is still here. My profile picture is gone too. I remember it was a pikachu. :blush:

cr500_af;630248 wrote: And if you are a former member, your post count should still be out there somewhere. Did you do a user search to see if your old screenname showed up at all?

Edit: Awesome, thanks! :yay:

stacy22;630247 wrote: You can send a PM to haninja and he can change your screen name to something new.