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<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">Greetings !!</span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">New to the Hobby and new to the forum. </span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">I have a 150 gal. display tank and a 40 gal. sump. Tank is up and running for about 6-8 weeks now. I have 2 fancy clowns and a purple/orange tail ? fish and a pink urchin. Water chemistry is stable. I added some Calcium the other day. I have been doing water changes since the fish arrived, about 30 gal. every two weeks. </span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"> First question: Is it just dumb luck or have i just jinxed myself that i havn't had any problems thus far.</span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"> Second question: My lights are at best "Lights" it's a 4' HO T5 and only the actinic work, My plan is to put 3 MH with supplemental actinic lighting. THe tank is 6' long and ? 24" deep with a 3-4" sand bed. I'm thinking 250w will be sufficient for just about anything. My next purchase will be the lights and then I'm looking at a vertex180i protein skimmer. Do you think i should get the skimmer before i put anybody else in the tank? I'll post some pictures when i get home @ work now :up:</span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"> Any suggestions would be greatly apreciated. Where would you go to get a Anenome ? </span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"></span>
<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">Tx, Fred</span>
If I were you, I would work on getting good equipment before adding anymore livestock. Your equipment list seems to be headed in the right direction.

All of our club sponsors carry anemones. There are also several for sale currently in our for sale forum. You can find lights and other equipment items there too!

Welcome to the club!
Welcome Fred. We are glad you joined us.

If it were me, I would go with a skimmer before lights. But that means you have to wait on coral. That's not a bad thing though. Take that time to learn what it is you want to keep so you can better choose your lights. On top of that, with the skimmer your water quality will be better when you do add lights and corals.
welcome to the hobby and the club feddy baby.
the key here is to slow down, creep and creep and creep and when your done creeping, creep some more.
your present light would work for a fish only system for now and after your happy with a tank full of fish and they are happy with you then you can have fun figuring out your next step.
have fun reefing.
Thanks Guys,

O.K. so skimmer it is ? Makes sense and I understand the longer the tank is stable the better new arrivals will prosper. I was kind of leaning towards either the SWC or the Vertex brand Skimmer? The light is the only "Bad Purchase" used,

Welcome Fred. Glad to see another local member. I can only echo what others have said and stress slow and steady is key to this hobby. Used does not usually equate to a "bad purchase" but junk does.

The lights will be fine for now and possibly for a long time. The question you need to ask yourself is "Am I going to make this tank a reef tank or a fish only?" Either way, get yourself a quality skimmer first then if you are going to have a reef tank, decide on the type of corals you want and plan your lights from there. When looking for a skimmer, look at the stocking ratings as well as the dimensions that you have available in your sump. Do your research and don't be afraid to look for a used skimmer. You can find some good deals quite frequently on the for sale forum.

Just take it slow, don't be afraid to ask questions and enjoy the ride.
Thanks Butch,

I've got the slow part down, the family now see's something going on and are jumping up and down for more :) I told them this is a process. Definetley enjoying it so far. Thanks for the input
