Newbie here searching for small anenome


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Stone Mountain, GA
Hi! So the title basically says it all. Additional details: my husband bought me an adorable 5gallon zoa tank. (Zoas are my current fave)

But it has a clownfish in it that keeps trying to host on the lone brain coral in there. The brain does NOT appreciate this new friendship.

I never intended to own a clown but here he is and he's so personable, I'm all in on thus guy and really want to get him a proper anenome to chill with.

But I am overwhelmed. So many types, species and varieties. I just need one that is relatively friendly to beginners, safe for thr clown and won't overtake the tiny tank.

Any suggestions are welcomed!
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I might have a small one available. I will just need to confirm when I get home from work. Shoot me a message!
Just a word of caution, a 5 gallon Tank is really too small for a clown let alone a clown and an anemone. If you do have proper light for the anemone most likely both will outgrow that tank in no time… Just a thought.
Just a word of caution, a 5 gallon Tank is really too small for a clown let alone a clown and an anemone. If you do have proper light for the anemone most likely both will outgrow that tank in no time… Just a thought.
Thanks. I was honestly thinking it's a bit cramped for him. I have a 32g cube I plan on transferring him into soon.
I agree with all of the above, especially @dball711

5g is really too small for a BTA, both for water parameter fluctuations but also overall size. The 30g cube should be good..