Newbie Request -- thos acronyms

linda lee

Active Member
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I'd love to see a list for reference. IS there one somewhere?

Some I know ~ some I guess at:

WTB = wanted to buy
HOB = hang on back
HOT = hang on tank (?)
MH = metal halide
FOWLR = fish only with living rock (?)
PC = power compact

I don't know:


....... and a bunch of others I've seen, but can't list right now... I really need to head out the door for work.

Anyone have a list or want to compile one? Something that could be added to...



Substrates and Rock:
<li>SB - Sandbed</li>
<li>SSB - Shallow Sand Bed</li>
<li>DSB - Deep Sand Bed</li>
<li>CC - Crushed Coral</li>
<li>BB - Bare Bottom</li>
<li>LS - Live Sand</li>
<li>LR - Live Rock</li>
<li>IO - Instant Ocean</li>
<li>RC - Reef Crystals</li>
<li>RSS - Red Sea Salt</li>
<li>TM - Tropic Marin</li>
<li>GSM - Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish</li>
<li>WSM - White Stripe Maroon Clownfish</li>
<li>CB - Coral Beauty Angelfish</li>
<li>CBB - Copper Banded Butterflyfish</li>
<li>PBT - Powder Blue Tang</li>
</ul>Coral Types:
<li>"><span style="color: #0000ff;">SPS</span></a> - Small Polyp Stony (Scleractinia)</li>
<li>[IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">LPS</span></a> - Large Polyp Stony</li>
<li>[IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">Softies</span></a> - Soft Corals</li>
</ul>[B]Coral Diseases:[/B]
<li>RTN - Rapid Tissue Necrosis</li>
<li>STN - Slow Tissue Necrosis</li>
<li>GSP - Green Star Polyps</li>
<li>WSP - White Star Polyps</li>
<li>Zoos - Zoanthids</li>
<li>GBP - Green Button Polyps</li>
<li>Rics - [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">Ricordea</span></a></li>
<li>Shroom - Mushroom</li>
<li>Lobo - Lobophyllia</li>
<li>Acan - [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">Acanthastrea</span></a></li>
<li>Micro - Micromussa</li>
<li>Blasto - Blastomussa</li>
<li>Lord - [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">Acanthastrea</span></a> Lordhowensis</li>
<li>Milli - [IMG]"><span style="color: #0000ff;">Acropora</span></a> millipora (not genera Millipora)</li>
<li>CBS - Coral Banded Shrimp</li>
<li>EC - Emerald Crab</li>
<li>BLH - Blue Leg Hermit Crab</li>
<li>RLH - Red Leg Hermit Crab</li>
<li>BS - Brittle Starfish</li>
<li>RBTA - Rose Bulb Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor)</li>
<li>GBTA - Green Bulb Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor)</li>
<li>BTA - Bulb Tip Anemone (E. quadricolor)</li>
<li>LTA - Long Tentacle Anemone</li>
<li>AC - Activated Carbon</li>
<li>GAC - Granular Activated Carbon</li>
<li>Alk - Alkalinity</li>
<li>dkH - Degrees of carbonate hardness - measurement of alkalinity</li>
<li>Ca - Calcium</li>
<li>Kalk - Kalkwasser</li>
<li>ORP - Oxygen Redox Potential</li>
<li>pH - Measurement of hydrogen ions</li>
<li>Cyano - Cyanobacteria</li>
<li>HA - Hair Algae</li>
<li>LRB - Little Red Bugs</li>
<li>FW - Flatworms</li>
<li>AWFW - Acro Eating Flatworms</li>
<li>MN - Montipora Nudibranch</li>
<li>RO - Reverse Osmosis</li>
<li>DI - Deionization</li>
<li>TDS - Total Dissolved Solids</li>
</ul>[B]Water Movement:[/B]
<li>GPH - Gallons per Hour</li>
<li>PH - Powerhead</li>
<li>NSW - Natural Seawater</li>
<li>SG - Specific gravity</li>
<li>PPM - Parts per Million</li>
<li>PPT - Parts per Thousand</li>
<li>FO - Fish Only</li>
<li>FOWLR - Fish Only with Live Rock</li>
<li>QT - Quarantine Tank</li>
<li>HOB - Hang on Back</li>
<li>HOT - Hang on Tank</li>
<li>LFS - Local Fish Store</li>
<li>MH - Metal Halide</li>
<li>VHO - Very High Output</li>
<li>HO - High Output</li>
<li>NO - Normal Output</li>
<li>PC - Power Compact</li>
<li>EC - End Cap</li>
<li>WH - Wiring Harness</li>
<li>PAR - Photosynthetically Active Radiation</li>
Wow Bryan. + rep! That's pretty insane.

One that you missed that seems to come up a lot lately is GFO - granulated ferric oxide.
GFCI is another important one.
GFCI = Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter = No death by elecrocution

PT = purple tang
YT = yellow tang

Also, PAR = Photosynthetically Active Radiation = Amount of light that our corals can actually use. It generally refers to the intensity of light and how well it penetrates the water column.
Frewl;51523 wrote: What is rust used for in our tanks?
Phosphate removal. Not sure on the chemistry or how, but that's what it's marketing angle.
triggerhappy8;51537 wrote: Also, PAR = Photosynthetically Active Radiation = Amount of light that our corals can actually use. It generally refers to the intensity of light and how well it penetrates the water column.
You will also see in more in-depth lighting reviews:

PUR: Photosynthetically Usable Radiation = The fraction of the PAR spectrum that's actually absorbed by organisms to produce photosynthesis.

This term will probably see more use with the advent of LED lighting since the PUR of an LED lighting system is higher than comparable metal halide lighting whereas the PAR is higher for metal halide.
What's the acronism for closed loop system that's used a lot? I recognize it when I see it.
JJW;51547 wrote: What's the acronism for closed loop system that's used a lot? I recognize it when I see it.
CL (Closed Loop) or CLS (Closed Loop System)
Net Speak:
YGPM - You Got PM
TTT - To The Top (bump)
FWIW - For What Its Worth
IMO, IMHO - In My Honest Opinion
WTF - Water to fill (just joking)
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
OPP - I could never figure that one out.

Chem Terms:
NH3/NH4+ - Ammonia
CO2 - Carbon Dioxide
NO2 - Nitrite
NO3 - Nitrate
Ca - Calcium
Sr - Strontium
Cu - Copper
N - Nitrogen

Some other Reef acronyms
TO - Top Off
SW - Salt Water
FW - Fresh Water
GPD - Gallons per Day
Other Peoples "Naughty Bits"... I have been scolded for posting non-G rated material so you will have to substitue "Naughty Bits" with your imagination.