Because of a trip to the Atlanta Aquarium and urging from a friend who recently got back into SW reefkeeping, I decided to make the plunge myself. I'm starting out small and have a 24G Aquapod with florescent lighting. I have had it running now for about a month and have about 30 lbs of live rock and 15 lbs of live sand. I have tried to go slow and be patient and I think I've been successful so far. Right now I have 2 yellow-bellied damsels, 10 blue-legged hermits, 2 red-tipped hermits, 4 margarita snails, two astreas, 2 nassarius snails and 1 peppermint shrimp. Yesterday, I added a small frag of white pom pom zenia. My plan is to add a pistol shrimp/goby pair, rose bubble-tip anenome, and then a pair of maroon clownfish. I'll remove the damsels when I get the clownfish. I have been doing a lot of reading over the past month, books, forums and web articles and feel like I'm drinking from a firehose. I've already found answers to many of my questions, but with each answer comes morequestions. It looks like there are a lot of experienced, helpful people on here and I hope you don't mind another newbie.
Anyway, that's a long way to just say Hi!
Anyway, that's a long way to just say Hi!