Next fish to add?


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Like the title says, I’m ready to add another fish to my tank and am looking for some input. My tank is a 25g Peninsula Mini from Waterbox. Currently, there are only 2 clowns, a lawnmower blenny, and my CuC.

I tried some of the smaller gobies much earlier on, and had some freak accidents with them. That, coupled with this being my first saltwater tank, didn’t go well. I really love the little cleaner gobies and the war paint, but not sure if I want to go that route again.

I’d love to get a purple psuedo, I really like the shade of purple they are, and I bet my almost 2 yr old daughter would as well. I know they can be assholes, but I figure the other 3 have been in the tank well over a year now, and have their places carved out. It *shouldn’t* come in and try and run the tank, but that is a possibility.

I’ve also thought about a little school of 3 chromis. They would add a lot of movement and use up all the open water that doesn’t really get used by the other 3.

Anyone have any other suggestions? I’d like either BRIGHT color(s) or lots of movement in the open water part of my scape, both would be great.

I have the same tank. I currently have two longfin mocha clowns, two PJ cardinals, one firefish helfrichi, one firefish exquisite, one royal gramma and a lawnmower Blenny. Everyone gets along but my tank is probably over stocked.


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I also think a basslet is a good idea. Not as bright but a Cherub Angel could also be really nice in there. If they're anything like my flameback pygmy angel it should be very active throughout the whole tank. For some bright blue you could do a Springers damsel. They are one of the tiniest most peaceful damsels IME. Supposedly some of the smaller flasher wrasses can be housed in that size tank too.

Have you seen this list over on the nano reef forum? Super useful reference for smaller tanks:

I also think a basslet is a good idea. Not as bright but a Cherub Angel could also be really nice in there. If they're anything like my flameback pygmy angel it should be very active throughout the whole tank. For some bright blue you could do a Springers damsel. They are one of the tiniest most peaceful damsels IME. Supposedly some of the smaller flasher wrasses can be housed in that size tank too.

Have you seen this list over on the nano reef forum? Super useful reference for smaller tanks:

There are also some free swimming Basslets like the Assessor's that do well in smaller tanks. It always freaks me out when I see them swim upside down. They've exploded in price the last few years though.
Not to be cliche but a royal Gramma cannot be beat. Just not real open water (until they are happy, mine is it all the time with good size tangs and angles).

Also really like clown gobies. What about a six line wrasse? I enjoy most of the nano gobies (rainford etc). The nano fish are generally going to be close to the scape because they look a lot like food for bigger fish 😀