So my new tank has been running for just about a month. It cycled in only a few days and everything has been stable with the exception of a huge dinoflagellite outbreak, but 4 days of lights out and about a 50% water change seems to have that under control.
Right now I have 2 clowns, 2 peppermint shrimps, 2 emerald crabs, a serpent star, and my CUC in there. The have been in there for about 2 and a half weeks.
Here is our hopeful stock list
Everything above...
2 firefish gobies, 1 purple and one red
some sort of sifting goby...maybe a yellow watchman or something
a coral beauty, pygmy angel or a flame angel
a 6 line warasse
a cleaner shrimp
a blue linkia star
and numerous sofites and LPS...maybe some sps
My question is what should I add now? I was thinking the firefish since they would be the most timid fish. My clowns are SUPER aggressive when food comes in the tank, same with my peppermints.
Any other suggestions on stock and when to add them?
Right now I have 2 clowns, 2 peppermint shrimps, 2 emerald crabs, a serpent star, and my CUC in there. The have been in there for about 2 and a half weeks.
Here is our hopeful stock list
Everything above...
2 firefish gobies, 1 purple and one red
some sort of sifting goby...maybe a yellow watchman or something
a coral beauty, pygmy angel or a flame angel
a 6 line warasse
a cleaner shrimp
a blue linkia star
and numerous sofites and LPS...maybe some sps
My question is what should I add now? I was thinking the firefish since they would be the most timid fish. My clowns are SUPER aggressive when food comes in the tank, same with my peppermints.
Any other suggestions on stock and when to add them?