Next fish to add???


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So my new tank has been running for just about a month. It cycled in only a few days and everything has been stable with the exception of a huge dinoflagellite outbreak, but 4 days of lights out and about a 50% water change seems to have that under control.

Right now I have 2 clowns, 2 peppermint shrimps, 2 emerald crabs, a serpent star, and my CUC in there. The have been in there for about 2 and a half weeks.

Here is our hopeful stock list

Everything above...
2 firefish gobies, 1 purple and one red
some sort of sifting goby...maybe a yellow watchman or something
a coral beauty, pygmy angel or a flame angel
a 6 line warasse
a cleaner shrimp
a blue linkia star
and numerous sofites and LPS...maybe some sps

My question is what should I add now? I was thinking the firefish since they would be the most timid fish. My clowns are SUPER aggressive when food comes in the tank, same with my peppermints.

Any other suggestions on stock and when to add them?

Oh yeah, maybe a royal gamma or other basslet

This is in a 46 gallon bow front with a 15- 20 ish gallon sump
Your tank is still really new. If it were me, I'd say add nothing for awhile yet. And when you do, I'd vote for:

2 firefish gobies, 1 purple and one red


a 6 line warasse

And not:
some sort of sifting goby...maybe a yellow watchman or something
(your substrate is still too new for a sand-sifter and doesn't have a lot of life established in it yet)

a coral beauty, pygmy angel or a flame angel
(need plenty of well-seasoned live rock for grazing. Not a good idea to add these to a system that isn't well-established)

These are my opinions only and what I would do if in your position.

Good luck.

Thanks. The rock (all 70 lbs) came from an established tank that was over a year old. There is a lot of stuff to pick at.

The substrate is still new. I didnt think of that, thanks!!!

I think we will order 2 firefish soon. I am just trying to figure out a good plan of when to add what.

I know the rule is to wait at least 2 weeks in between each addition depending on what and how much was added.

Thanks a lot for the input!
You're welcome.

Remember to add your most aggressive fish (gramma / angel) last so that the others have had a chance to establish territories first.

You could also go ahead and set up a Q/T (a ten gallon with a H.O.B. filter, heater, small powerhead). Then you could go ahead and buy your next fish now and have them ready to add right to your display in 3 weeks.

It satisfies that *I-gotta-get-it-NOW" craving, but you're not rushing it into the display. The bonus is you have healthy, acclimated fish to put into your display when the time is right.

Keep us posted and share some pictures soon.

Another Chris!

Hey I'm with Linda. Your off to a great start. Its natural to want to move quicky, but rest the long run. Slow is the way to go. (I learned the hard way). I would'nt add anything else until you have seen a stable 30 least! Maybe 60! Crazy I know. But well worth it.

Yeah I already have a 12 gallon all set up with some of my softies, one leather and my anemones that are waiting to go in. The 12 gallon has been running for over a year now so its good and established.

The anemones are going to be the last things in the old 12 gallon to go in.

I might get the gobies here in a few days or a week or so and put them in my 12 gallon to observe for a few weeks.
I would wait a couple more weeks before adding anything else. I would have second thoughts on adding any angels if your going to have sps or clams. My Coral Beauty didn't bother anything for almost a year then it killed alot of my coral and started picking on my clams. It found another place to reside.
Maybe I will rethink the angel, THANKS! I was going to add an angel last anyway. Maybe by then I will know for sure if I want clams or sps.

I will get some firefish soon and then leave them in my 12G tank for a few weeks before putting them in the display.
Oh, it shouldnt be too soon to start adding some softies here and there right now correct?

I have only kept fish and then recently started doing corals in my nano, so I have never started a new tank with the prospect of adding corals untill now.

I just want to clear out the nano so I can get some fish in there to quarantine without worrying about trying to net them when the time comes to put them into the display...holy run-on... sorry:unsure: