Next step


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So our 80g is essentially our first tank that we can take our time with; no rush to put coral in. The tank is almost done cycling; no more ammonia and the tiniest amount of nitrite. Besides adding fish (which will happen once we make a lid) what would be your next step to help get through the upcoming ugly stage and to get ready for corals.
Once you get something growing for them to eat, you can add a few CUC members for surface work on your rocks to help and macro if you have a refugium.
CUC for sure. I like reefcleaners cause they always over pack their CUCs and it's an overall good deal. If you order their packages I think they still do free shipping.
I do not like getting cuc packages, especially in the early stages of a new tank. #1 there isn't enough for them all to eat. So they die and raise your nutrient levels. #2 very high nitrogen NO3 will kill a lot of them off. Further raising the nutrient levels. I prefer to add specifically selected cuc slowly as needed rather than a crap ton all at once.

If I could go back in time I would have started my nutrient export up as soon as I added fish. I had loaned my ATS out and didn't get it up and running till much later in the game. This created a major set back for me that is taking much more time to correct than I'd have liked. Another thing I would have done is started adding coral as soon as I added a few fish, but I didn't have a way to hang the lights yet. (Growing coral is also a nutrient export). I pushed things with the system to try and take the bourdon off @spike with the livestock he was and still is holding for me. But that's another story... You don't have the hurdles in front of you that I do.

The very next thing I would do is set up whatever export you are going to implement, it doesn't have to be on now, but have water running through it and ready to go on a moments notice. Then add some coral at the same time you add a fish or two. Even if you end up having to add nitrate and phosphate to keep detectable levels it's much better and a LOT less work than having to get ultra high levels down. I think there's even a recent BRS vid that talks about adding coral early. And if you think about it, what is a coral QT but a brand new system. So If you're going to QT your coral, start looking for what you want and get that going right now, you'll have yourself much further ahead of the game than I was.
Thank you! We keep battling high nitrates in our other tank so we want to get this one lower before adding fish and corals. We will definitely add a clean up crew but will wait until there is food to sustain them.
Thank you! We keep battling high nitrates in our other tank so we want to get this one lower before adding fish and corals. We will definitely add a clean up crew but will wait until there is food to sustain them.
I thought it was a BRS vid, while they do touch on it in one of their videos it was a ReefBuilders article I was thinking about. Here you go.

I thought it was a BRS vid, while they do touch on it in one of their videos it was a ReefBuilders article I was thinking about. Here you go.

Thank you!!