no more space... frag rack build


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I was running out of space in my frag tank, and so decied to build my frag rack yesterday... i have made them out of eggcrate and pvc pipe before but they were so unstable..I ended up buying a sheet of acylic from lowes and cutting it into 2 inch strips and glueing them together using weldon.. .. the other reason i built this was because of all the flow in the frag tank, the frags kept getting blown around... now with an eggcrate base they are more likely to stay put..heres what i ended up with...

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Nice stands! I used eggcrate, with legs made out of eggcrate and them seem to stay where they are put. Since I have mostly softies and sps imagine your flow is much greater. Great work slayer!
Will this allow you to hold more frags? I dont understand. I like the stepped design, but the surface area will be the same as a flat bottom. Is it more for stability rather than more room?

BTW, that birdnest I got from you is coloring up ridiculously well.
yes also curious why you didnt make is flat? same surface are but looks cool ?

I'm more impressed with how clean and uncluttered your garage is...You should see mine!
Skriz;86664 wrote: Sweet!

I'm more impressed with how clean and uncluttered your garage is...You should see mine!

You should have seen his a few weeks ago!:wow2: :eek: :eek: :lol2:
lol... yeap garage kind of gets cluttered while im working on something then gets cleaned up when the misses gets tired of stepping of pvc pipe, tanks, tools and skimmers... kinda a cycle... jeff knows... lol

i made it into a step design because i have metal halides (now) over my frag tank, and i wanted my sps to be closer to the light (ie the top shelf) and my zoos and shrooms more further away (ie the bottom shelf)..

also when i frag, i place my main colony from the main tank into the frag tank for a week or so, right at the bottom, then after a week i cut away..the frags are kept at low light level to avoid stress, then slowly i move the frags back up the tiers to more intense light.. i recently changed from t5's over the frag tank back to halides, cause the colors on the t5's sucked.. i placed the rack in the tank today..will post pics tomm..