NO, not another amateur stocking List Thread..... here we go


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Tank Stocking List:

LMK if there's any problems or if its too much (80 gallon Frag display [48X24X16] with 20L gal. fuge) the whole one inch of fish per gallon, and all the other diff. types of measuring the capacity always confuse me because their contradictory

Current Stock:
~Mated pair of snowflake clowns
~Mystery Wrasse
~Yellow tail Damsel
~Randalls shrimp Goby
~Tiger Pistol Shrimp
~Misc Frags, coral, RBTA
oh and a blue damsel in my fuge

/ = or

What I want to add:
1) Trio of Anthias / Trio of Purple Firefish
2) Kole Yellow Eye Tang (Already Decided on)
3) Mimic Half Black Tang
4) Saddleback Butterflyfish
5) Copperband Butterflyfish
6) Pakistan Butterflyfish

Not so sure list:
7) Foxface Lo (really not sure on this)
8) Bicolor Angel Fish (really not sure on this either)
9) Six Line Wrasse/ Longnose Hawkfish (really not sure on either of these also)

would have added another goby between tiger and watchman but dont want sand everywhere and missing corals

10) Cleaner Shrimp / Banded Coral Shrimp
11) Porcelain Crab/ Purple Lobster (had both a long time ago and really miss them)

thats it, no eels or puffers ha.... also want to leave room for at least one extra fish just incase i need to fix a pest problem or impulse buy, or temporary holding for a friend

Ive sized all the fish out as well as the minimum tank size.... meets requirements...

** Keep in mind this is a Reef tank, and my hands will be in and out the tank, and that i plan on keeping a Clam if that matters

Just double checking the list, Im sure theres something on the list that's going to have compatibility issues or is notorious for coral nipping just let me know thanks

feel free to add as well and point out issues i may face
My thoughts:
1. One tang is enough in that small of a tank.
2. Mystery wrasses can become very aggressive and will likely harrass more docile fish (firefish).
3. Bicolor angels have an abyssmal survival rate in captivity.
4. The butterflies are likely to mow down your clams and corals, epecially the Pakistani and saddleback.
5. A six-line wrasse and your mystery will not tolerate each other.
6. A hawkfish may eat ornamental shrimp.
7. Purple lobster will eat other inverts in your tank.

With as small of a tank that you have your stocking options are limited. The recommended sizes you have looked up are guidelines only. They also do not take into consideration the bioload/space requirements of any other fish you want to add.
Yeah i just realized i was going off the FW 1 inch of fish per gallon :fail:

and no idea what i was doing at almost 2am making a stocking list. mind wasn't right

Okay a little more revised list

Someone please add to my list if theirs room as well i need suggestions

Current Stock:
~Mated pair of snowflake clowns
~Mystery Wrasse
~Yellow tail Damsel
~Randalls shrimp Goby
~Tiger Pistol Shrimp
oh and a blue damsel in my fuge

What I want to add:
1) Trio of Purple Firefish
2) Kole Yellow Eye Tang
3) Saddleback Butterflyfish or Pakistan Butteflyfish or Foxface Lo (out of the 3 which would be best)

1) Porcelain Crab

Do I have room for another fish or two, if so suggestions (no cardinal)
I would pull out both Damsels and if you plan on keeping clams I would drop the butterfly fish.
I have a Mystery Wrasse and it has been a model citizen, but it is also smaller than the rest of my fish and it was the last fish I added. I have heard of them chasing smaller fish and killing shrimp that were added after them.
I think with what you have in there I would only add either the Tang or the Foxface, but not both.
Yeah my Wrasse has been good, i was afraid hed get bullied when i add him by the clowns and damsel because they were evil ha.... but he doesn't take anything from them but also doesn't bully them, hes done pretty good, also ignores both my goby and pistol.... im not adding shrimp anymore since the mystery is already there and im going to pull out both damsels (if i can catch them)

Edit: also thinking of dropping the butterfly fish

i still want the Kole tang most definitly was just debating if there would be enough swimming room for the kole and foxface giving tank dimensions
Butterfly fish are really cool looking, but I hear 10 times more stories of them picking at clams and corals that I do about them doing well in a tank. I have no personal experience with them though.
I have a 90g and I have a pair of B&W clowns, 1 male Lyretail, 3 female Lyretails, wheeler goby, and a Mystery Wrasse and all have been getting a long well in my tank. I am still debating on a tang, but I purposely stalked everything else before I got one due to some being more aggressive than others.
Here's the stock list for my 90... I also have lps and sps, and a clam. All of these have been in my tank over two years... all get along well.

Powder brown tang
Purple tang
Pair of clownfish
Six line wrasse
Flame angle
Citron goby
Longnose Butterflyfish
Royal gamma
Engineer goby
This is what im thinking:

Current Stock:
~Mated pair of snowflake clowns
~Mystery Wrasse
~Yellow tail Damsel (getting rid of)
~Randalls shrimp Goby
~Tiger Pistol Shrimp
oh and a blue damsel in my fuge ( getting rid of)

What I want to add:
1) Trio of Purple Firefish
2) Kole Yellow Eye Tang
3) Foxface Lo

1) Porcelain Crab

I feel like i can add another fish or two idk
To be perfectly honest, you could probably keep the Kole and Mimic Half Black tang together with no issues.. as long as they're both small. Just understand that one of them will have to go, eventually, to a larger tank.