No plastic grid at Lowe's


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Where do you find the plastic grid commonly used for Plenuim filters? I went to Lowe's and didn't find it in the lighting dept. like I thought it would be.

Any suggestions? Thanks
sometimes that stuff is hidden in boxes, check around the light fixtures, like shop lights and where they have the flourscents hung on the walls. Unless you did do that then I would check a HD around you.
Dakota9;64634 wrote: Where do you find the plastic grid commonly used for Plenuim filters? I went to Lowe's and didn't find it in the lighting dept. like I thought it would be.

Any suggestions? Thanks

Lowes sucks. Check HD.
In Buford one of them has it under the display of flourescent lights and the other has it back with the building supplies with the ceiling tiles.
Ya, Check around lighting... HD has it for sure but I am sure Lowes would carry it... As far as HD vs Lowes... I would shop at Lowes ANYDAY over HD... Customer service is MUCH better!!!
I have found it at Lowes and HD in the ceiling tiles area. How much do you need Dakota? I have some left over from a build you can have if you want it! LMK!
Xyzpdq0121;64676 wrote: Ya, Check around lighting... HD has it for sure but I am sure Lowes would carry it... As far as HD vs Lowes... I would shop at Lowes ANYDAY over HD... Customer service is MUCH better!!!

love the assitance-needed buttons at Lowes:

"Assistance needed in the chain-cutting area. Assistance needed in the chain-cutting area. [ding-DING-ding] Chain-cutting area."

Ummmm.... not to say that I would wander around the store randomly finding and pushing those buttons, of course. That would be immature...

ha customer service much better, lol, if you goto either of the two and ask for eggcrate....and thats assuming you can find someone to talk to, they will still have a blank stare on their face! HAHAHAHAHAHA.
thanks for the advice. Looking around the cieling tile section never occured to me, but makes perfect sense!

Thanks again for all the advice
I found some in the lightning section at Ace hardware. Home depot had a close out on eggcrate and didn't have any left.
Lowes is for those that NEED to ask questions, HD is for those that don't!
You can find the egg crates with the florescent fxtures in lowes. They are usually near the back of the store
Skriz;66407 wrote: Lowes is for those that NEED to ask questions, HD is for those that don't!

That's because you can't find anyone working there and when you do they say "uh, I'm not sure, did you try Lowes?"
I thought the way to determine which store was best (HD / Lowes) is by how many points their respective Nascar drivers are currently carrying? C'mon guys... get with the program.

Oh wait........ Nascar .... Reef (we're probably talking about oposite poles here)
I've always found that HD is better for construction materials (wood, wall board, concrete, insulation, PVC piping, etc) and Lowes is better for finishing and finished products as well as "niche items" (appliances, shelving, PVC fittings, barb connections, home and garden, etc).