Nutrient issues


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I've been noticing some of my LPS Coral that used to be fairly happy looking a little sad these days. My acans almost never puff up like they used to. surprisingly, my torches look great. It's kind of hard to put my finger on it, but things just overall don't look as good as they used to although I don't have corals dying left and right. I checked all my levels last night and everything is within range. I've never had detectable nitrates in my tank and my phosphates currently sit at 0.15. calc-410, mag-1600, salinity- 1.025 roughly. I've been back and forth about whether or not I should be doing weekly water changes or letting it sit for a while. I started feeding heavier a few months ago but it doesn't seem to help. Every time I check my levels, everything looks good so it's hard to peg what I need to work on. Lastly, I use three filter socks and usually only change them once a month. I thought this would help build up some nitrates.
bring phosphate down and bring nitrate up.....

my sps is mostly good but the red is not as red as i would've liked. bumping up the nitrate via nitrate dosing was the only thing that helped.

i don't care what people say about overfeeding or add more fishes, it didn't help me. i have tried every single "natural" method, 20+ fishes, feeding 2x3 times a day, skimmer on for only a couple hours, no carbon or gfo, no filter socks, no water change,
Sounds like we're about in the same boat, LOL. I started dosing some neo nitro yesterday. What are you dosing?