Ocellate Damselfish


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Does anyone have any exp... with these fish? They look awesome in the picture but it says agressive.Can anyone rec.. a schooling fish that is colorful.I'm really not into the chromis.
I have a related fish, Pomacentrus chrysurus (white tailed damsel...same blue spot). He is a ******* and sometimes I really want to flush him...except I wouldn't do that to one of my fish.

I suggest you don't buy it. I saw them at Aquarium Showcase and they are very pretty. Also, I'm not sure they look so pretty when they mature.

Keep in mind that there are different types of chromis. Check out the http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=113&N=0">blue chromsi</a>...very pretty (not the blue green). Also there is another called [IMG]http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=1720&N=0">limbaughi </a>which is really nice looking although I've not seen them for sale locally.

Some Anthias are not so easy to care for...they need to be fed often (like the purple queen). I mistakenly bought one as one of my first fish.
Getting your fish to school is tough.

You have to individually bag them and keep them warm on the bus... its just not worth it.