Octopus briareus: Anyone ever had one?


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I was thinking of purchasing one of these... I've done a little bit of research, but would like to hear if anyone has owned one of these guys. I know about sealing the tank, the filtration, tankmates (or lack there of), and most of the "basics". I'm just looking for someone who has owned and Octopus and could offer first hand experience about unexpected problems,things to look for when starting the tank, and continuing maintenance.. I know they don't live long, but the specimen I would be purchasing is only about 6 weeks old. Thanks in advance, for the input.
I can't find the link, but there was someone around here who had an octopus and was selling off the babies. I think they're amazing for a species only tank... It's their really short lifespan that bugs me :(.
Uh oh.... The Octopus "want" is becoming a "need" isnt it jamie? hahaha
Yeah man! The itch is turning into the FEVER! Haha.

Thanks Andy. I've been able to find much more about the Bimacs. That seems to be the most highly recomended. It'll be a month or two before I can put this plan into action, so maybe by then I'll be able to find one. i think it may be worth the wait. I think the briarius may be a little more nacturnal and more prone to hiding. I've got a few ideas on sealing the tank. i have also talked to Kevin up at Marine Fish. He had an Octopus for a while and he's always helpful when I go in there. I'm sure he's got a few ideas for me in that department too. I would love any extra ideas though.

Thanks to you as well Jinny. I saw that post a while back. I just did a little research at the time about the needs for a baby octopus at that size. They required a little more work than I was willing to put in. I've already got a tank with Dwarf seahorses I have to hatch brine for every day(well worth the work, by the way). It would have been a little too much. I'm hoping for a more matured specimen. The lifespan bugs me too, but the way I look at is this. If everything goes according to plan, I'll keep it in the tank for just as long as it would live in the wild. Maybe even longer than it would in the wild. Espescially if you factor in the predation factor. The one I was looking at was hatched in captivity I believe. That's the route I plan on taking with whatever kind I get. That way I have a better chance of knowing how old it is.

Thanks again for the input. Keep it coming folks.

You will find any and all information that you need there. They are considered to be <u>the</u> source for cephalopod information by most. Apologies to the mods if I can't post other forums here. I have been tossing around the idea of an octopus or cuttlefish for some time now but haven't pulled the trigger. Good luck.
I originally thought about a 10 gal. If I get one of the dwarf varieties I may still do that. Otherwise, and most likely, I'll use my 40 breeder. We'll see how it plays out.
Those are some good points Andy. I'm not too worried about food yet. I have access to about as much squid as I need. I may pick up a crab from time to time to keep it happy. I'm glad you brought up the point about toys too. I've heard that they can react(ink) when peices of PVC and other things they're not used to coming in contact with make their way into the tank. Have you heard of any specific ideas? I've heard of hiding their food and things of that nature, but I haven't seen anything specific.

P.S. I'm assuming you're holding out on the Octo for a while. That and the eel are enemies and will fight to the death. I'm sure you knew that already though, but if someone else out there reads this they may get the wrong idea.

Thanks again for the info. Always hungry for more.
I've kept several and they are very interesting to watch to say the least. They require very good water quality and a very good filtration set up. Mine eat raw shrimp, frozen krill & silversides. I treat mine to crabs ever once in a while. Here is a video of mine playing with a crab.

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Wow, Jayhawk. That video confirms it. I'm getting one. What size tanks did you run for them? Did you feed every day or every other day? What kinds did you keep/recomend? What kind of filtration did you use? Do they have any current requirements? I wonder if they would get caught in power heads.
Platyplakia;50909 wrote: Wow, Jayhawk. That video confirms it. I'm getting one. What size tanks did you run for them? Did you feed every day or every other day? What kinds did you keep/recomend? What kind of filtration did you use? Do they have any current requirements? I wonder if they would get caught in power heads.
I would think that you would want at least a 50 gallon tank. Bimacs are good, I feed mine every day. Here is a feeding video of my other Octopus, Clyde.

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That is Crazy! The color changing was insane! Do you realize how many people are gonna want one of those now!
I half expected him to start hitting you with that stick.
Platyplakia;53784 wrote: Where did you get you octopus from Jayhawk?
I've gotten my Octopi from saltwaterfish.com. Been very happy with the ones that I have gotten.
balagan;53774 wrote: I half expected him to start hitting you with that stick.
LOL, I did use a set of tongs to retrieve the feeding stick and not my hand....
if anyone has a hard time finding one here is a link to one

it ends in 3-4 hours
That's funny. Those were the ones I was looking at. And the reason this post was asking about that particular kind and not the Bimacs. At least they're from the same seller. ccritters.com I found out about those people by looking up things on seahorse.org, for my dwarf seahorses. They sell seahorses (dwarf and erectus) for a GREAT price. The owner/contact (Dana) also got good reviews from the customers standpoint. When I'm ready, I may go through them. Unless I decide to go with a Bimac.